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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Canals. (search)
ojected canals between the Hudson River and lakes Champlain and Ontario, and in 1792 the legislature of New York chartered two companies, known, respectively, as the Western inland lock navigation Company and Northern inland lock navigation Company, of both of which Schuyler was made president, and, at his death, in 1804, he was actively engaged in the promotion of both projects. The Western canal was never completed, according to its original conception, but was supplemented by the great Erie Canal, suggested by Gouverneur Morris about 1801. In a letter to David Parish, of Philadelphia, that year. he distinctly foreshadowed that great work. As early as 1774 Washington favored the passage of a law by the legislature of Virginia for the construction of works—canals and good wagonroads—by which the Potomac and Ohio rivers might be connected by a chain of commerce. After the Revolution, the States of Virginia and Maryland took measures which resulted in the formation of the famous Po
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, State of (search)
the State of New York. pioneer in establishing canal navigation, In 1796 the Western Inland Lock Navigation Company was incorporated, and improved the bateau-navigation of the Mohawk River, connecting its waters with Oneida Lake by a canal, so that boats laden with merchandise could pass from the ocean to that lake, and then by its outlet and Oswego River to Lake Ontario. In 1800 Gouverneur Morris conceived a plan for connecting Lake Erie with the ocean by means of a canal, and the great Erie Canal that accomplished it was completed in 1825 (see canals). In November, 1874, several amendments proposed by the legislature were ratified by a vote of the people. These removed the property qualifications of colored voters; restricted the power of the legislature to pass private or local bills; made changes in the executive departments; prescribed an oath of office in relation to bribery; established safeguards against official corruption; and removed restrictions imposed upon the legislat
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
vernor to succeed Governor Tompkins, chosen Vice-President of the United States......1817 Legislature abolishes slavery from July 4, 1827......April, 1817 Erie Canal begun at Rome, Oneida county......July 4, 1817 State grants $20,000 to county agricultural societies to promote agriculture and family domestic manufactures.ounty, incorporated......1825 [Name changed to Hobart College, March 27, 1860.] Daniel D. Tompkins, born 1774, dies on Staten Island......June 11, 1825 Erie Canal completed......Oct. 26, 1825 First boat, Seneca Chief, conveying the governor and others, passes from Lake Erie to the Hudson, and reaches New York City. Grne 30, 1859 Washington Irving, born in New York City in 1783, dies at Tarrytown, N. Y.......Nov. 28, 1859 Population of the State, 3,880,735......1860 Erie Canal enlargement completed; entire cost, $52,491,915.74......1862 Horatio Seymour, Democrat, elected governor......November, 1862 Manhattan College, at Manhatt
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 5: shall the Liberator lead—1839. (search)
mmit the American Society to the doctrine of Federal control over slavery in the States Ante, p. 210. was recorded in the last chapter. Not far to the west, at Peterboroa, lives Gerrit Smith, anxious, as we have seen, to convert the moral basis of the anti-slavery Ante, p. 246. organization into a political one; and still beyond, in Rochester, lives Myron Holley, known as yet chiefly as an anti-Mason and as the man to whom, perhaps, next to De Witt Clinton, New York owed her magnificent Erie Canal. As a writer he had few superiors in any country; and he always conducted his controversies with dignity and candor (W. L. G. in Lib. 11: 43). In this central belt of the State was now maturing a political anti-slavery party movement which Mr. Garrison—not alone nor most strenuously—resisted on purely anti-slavery grounds; which found it necessary to break his opposition, and which accordingly joined in the clerical hue-and-cry against the non-voting conclusion of his non-resistant premis
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Chapter 1: travellers and observers, 1763-1846 (search)
r emigrants. Bernard, Tyrone Power, and Fanny Kemble were actors. Wilson, Nuttall, and Audubon were professed ornithologists; the Bartrams and Michaux, botanists. Schoolcraft was an ethnologist, Chevalier a student of political economy, Fanny Wright a social reformer. Grund, Combe the phrenologist, and Miss Martineau had a special interest in humanitarian projects. Richard Weston was a bookseller, John M. Peck a Baptist missionary, DeWitt Clinton, who explored the route of the future Erie Canal, a statesman. Many others had eyes trained in surveying. Boone was a surveyor, like Washington himself-and Washington may be classed with the observers and diarists. Buckingham, a traveller by vocation, had journeyed about the world for thirty years before visiting America; nor did he feel his obligation ended when he had published the customary three stout volumes. Crevecoeur actually was a farmer, though he was more, and Richard Parkinson, very definitely, a student of agriculture.
Albany, Albany County, New York State Capital, a city of 80,000 pop., on Hudson River, 142 miles from New York. It is the center of an immense trade, being at the junction of several railroads and at the entrance of Erie Canal to the Hudson. It is connected by river and canals to Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain. Extensively engaged in the lumber trade. The fourth city in the state in point of population.
Ilion, Herkimer County, New York a town of 3,000 pop., on Mohawk River, New York Central Railroad and Erie Canal, 11 miles from Utica. Engaged in various manufactures.