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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
way every negro. Colonel Jennison's regiment will be intrusted with the execution of this order. Jennison, who was the commander of the First Kansas cavalry, was well known to the people as an ardent anti-slavery champion during the civil war in Kansas in 1855, See note 2, page 181. and a man ready to execute any orders of the kind. That letter, the power given to Jennison, and a proclamation issued by the latter a short time before, Jennison had said to the inhabitants of Lafayette, Cass, Johnson, and Pettis Counties, in Missouri: For four months our armies have marched through your country. Your professed friendship has been a fraud; your oaths of allegiance have been shams and perjuries. You feed the rebel army, you act as spies while claiming to be true to the Union. . . . . Neutrality is ended. If you are patriots, you must fight; if you are traitors, you must be punished. . . . . He told them that the rights and property of Union men would be everywhere respected, but