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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketches of operations of General John C. Breckinridge. (search)
ved by way of Richmond, Lynchburg and Charlottesville, to Rockfish gap, where the railroad from Staunton to Charlottesville crosses the Blue Ridge. While preparing to move on Hunter, General Breckinridge received information that the latter was moving to Lexington. Divining his purpose to be to attack Lynchburg, General Breckinridge, instead of pursuing, wisely concluded to get ahead of him; and to this end, marched to Lynchburg by the arc of the circle, through the counties of Nelson and Amherst. His interpretation of Hunter's design was correct, since he had scarcely reached Lynchburg before it was announced that Hunter was within a day's march. Fortunately, General Early, who had started for a diversion towards Maryland, also arrived with a portion of his corps the next day, and when Hunter appeared before the place, instead of finding it unprotected, he found a well organized force to defend it. On the 19th of June he made an attack, but was repulsed, and immediately began to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabell, Samuel Jordan 1756- (search)
Cabell, Samuel Jordan 1756- Military officer; born in Amherst county, Va., Dec. 15, 1756; was educated at William and Mary College. In 1775 he recruited a company of riflemen for the American service, which is said to have opened the action at Saratoga. During the siege of Charleston he was captured, and not being able to procure an exchange remained inactive till peace was concluded. He was a Representative in Congress in 1785-1803, and in 1788, as a member of the constitutional convention, voted against the adoption of the proposed national Constitution. He died Aug. 4, 1818.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Crawford, William Harris 1772- (search)
Crawford, William Harris 1772- Statesman; born in Amherst county, Va., Feb. 24, 1772; taught school several years and became a lawyer, beginning practice in Lexington, Ga., in 1799. He compiled the first digest of the laws of Georgia, published in 1802: was a member of his State legislature from 1803 to 1807; was United States Senator from 1807 to 1813, in which body he was regarded as its ablest member. In 1813 he was sent as United States minister to France, and on his return (1815) was appointed Secretary of War; but in October, 1816, he was transferred to the Treasury Department, which post he held until 1825, when he was defeated as Democratic candidate for the Presidency, having been nominated the previous year by a congressional caucus. He had four other candidates to oppose— Adams, Calhoun, Jackson, and Clay. At about that time his health failed, and he never fully recovered it. He became a circuit judge in Georgia, and was warmly opposed to nullification. He died n
to fight and overthrow any enemy that stood in the way, to seize upon Staunton, unite with Crook and Averell, and with the combined force occupy Charlottesville, from whence we might easily operate with our cavalry against the James River canal, and by crossing the river cut off the Southside railroad, thus cutting off the enemy from its chief source of supplies. The more extended plan, of moving on Lynchburg by the valley route from Staunton, or through the Piedmont counties of Nelson and Amherst, directly from Charlottesville, was discussed, but left for consideration after the first part of the programme should be accomplished. The occupation of Harrisonburg, the flank movement on Port Republic, the brilliant and decisive victory at Piedmont, and the junction with the forces under Crook and Averell, at Staunton, have all been described in a former report. The result of the battle at Piedmont was the virtual annihilation of the enemy's military power in West Virginia and the
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical: officers of civil and military organizations. (search)
Since the war he has resided at Halifax. John Burress sale John Burress Sale, of Mississippi, served as military secretary with rank of colonel of cavalry to General Braxton Bragg, who was assigned to duty at Richmond February 24, 1864, and under the direction of the President, was charged with the conduct of military operations in the armies of the Confederate States. Colonel Sale was thus brought into intimate relationship with the President's military staff. He was born in Amherst county, Virginia, June 7, 1818. His father, an eminent divine, moved to Alabama, and he was educated in the college at LaGrange. He read law and was admitted to the bar in 1837, and two years later, at the age of twenty-one years, was chosen judge of probate. In 1845 he removed to Aberdeen, Mississippi, and there practiced law until 1861, when he organized a company of volunteers, which was assigned to the Twenty-seventh Mississippi regiment, of which he was commissioned major and subsequently l
t nursing which doubtless saved his life, I have received a description of the Refuge, which, during three years of the war, was opened to Louisiana soldiers; not to officers, although a few personal friends of Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell were there by special invitation; but it was understood that none but private soldiers were expected without an invitation, while all privates were welcomed as to a home. The Refuge, the residence of John E. Caldwell during the war, was situated in Amherst County, Virginia, about three and a half miles from Lynchburg. The residence was of peculiar build, having more the appearance of the Queen Anne style of architecture than any else, and was probably the only house in that section of country where the constructor had diverged from the accepted style for a country residence, hence, even in its isolated situation, it was known far and wide. The estate comprised an area of about eight hundred acres, and was cultivated in wheat, corn, etc. The route to
th was never required to take a position that they did not take it, nor to hold one that they did not hold it. After participating in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania he was killed in an encounter with Warren's corps, near Bethesda church, May 30, 1864, and was buried by the enemy. Brigadier-General William Terry Brigadier-General William Terry, whose worthy record is identified with that of the Stonewall brigade, which he commanded in 1864 and 1865, was born in Amherst county, Va., August 14, 1824. He was educated at the university of Virginia and graduated in 1848. The next three years he devoted to teaching and the study of law. After his admission to the bar in 1851, he made his home at Wytheville, and was engaged in .the practice during the succeeding decade, also for a time editing the Wytheville Telegraph. He was lieutenant of the Wythe Grays at the time of the John Brown affair at Harper's Ferry, to which point he went with his company in 1859. In Ap
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A list of Confederate officers, prisoners, who were held by Federal authority on Morris Island, S. C., under Confederate fire from September 7th to October 21st, 1864. (search)
H. Griffin, Balto battery, Baltimore. Zzz=Capt. Eugene Diggs, 2d Md. cav., Post Tobacco, Va. 2d Lt. J. E. V. Pue, 1st Md. cav., Ellicott City. 1st Lt. E. G. Dudley, 1st Md. cav. Virginia. Lt.-Col. J. C. Council, 26th Va. inft., Amherst county. Zzz=Lt.-Col. Chas. B. Christian, 4th Va. inft., Amherst county. Maj. Richard Woodrurn, 26th Balto. inft., Union. Zzz=Maj. W. H. Hood, 44th Balto. inft. Zzz=Maj. D. A. Jones, General Jones' staff, Hamburg. Zzz=Maj. Thos. BAmherst county. Maj. Richard Woodrurn, 26th Balto. inft., Union. Zzz=Maj. W. H. Hood, 44th Balto. inft. Zzz=Maj. D. A. Jones, General Jones' staff, Hamburg. Zzz=Maj. Thos. Branch, General Ransom's staff, Petersburg. Capt. J. Carrington, bat., Charlottesville. Zzz=Capt. E. E. Depriest, 23d Va. inft., Richmond. Zzz=Capt. W. P. Carter bat., Clark county. Zzz=Capt. Geo. W. Mercer, 29th Va. inft., Rural Retreat. Zzz=Capt. J. H. Johnson, 25th Va. inft., Princeton. Zzz=Capt. J. J. D. Dunkle, 25th Va. inft., Princeton. Zzz=Capt. H. C. Dickerson, 2d cav., Liberty, Bedford county. Zzz=Capt. J. H. Mathews, 25th inft., Beverley, Randolph county.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.44 (search)
ed, but never could be conquered. I hurried on in the direction of the turnpike, where I hoped to fall in with some of our troops, who might have spirit enough left to make some sort of stand against the victorious enemy, and at least try to prevent our demoralized army from being entirely destroyed. Nor was I disappointed. As I approached the pike the sun was setting. I could see two pieces of artillery coming up the road. These proved to be of Captain Kirkpatrick's battery, from Amherst county. I again met with two members of my own company at that point, and we hurried on to get with the section of artillery which had halted and commenced to unlimber just as we arrived on the ground. Five or six hundred yards distant a heavy mass of the enemy's cavalry was drawn up as if preparing to make a charge, and if that charge had been made, a large portion of our army must have been made prisoners, scattered and demoralized as the men were. The two pieces of artillery having been
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The muster roll [from the Staunton, Va., Vindicator, March 3, 1893.] (search)
ny D. The following names were added to the roll of the company during the summer of 1861: Hansbarger, A. H., April 20, transferred to Company I. Beard, Samuel, May 23, killed at Kernstown, 1862. Lucas, Samuel, May 23, killed at Mine Run, 1863. Kerr, R. O., May 23, living at Flatonia, Texas. Wiseman, W. F., May 25, living at Spotswood. Beard, James E., August 3, Middlebrook. Bartley, V. C., August 3, living at Greenville. Bartley, H. B., August 3, living in Amherst county, Va. Buchanan, B. F., August 3, killed at Gettysburg, 1863. Golladay, W. S., August 3, living in Kansas. Lotts, Samuel, August 3, living at Moffett's Creek. Lucas, John H., August 3, died a prisoner at Elmira, 1864. Montgomery, John, August 3, died of disease, September, 1861. Palmer, Jacob, August 3, died a prisoner at Fort Delaware, 1864. Smith, George A., August 3, living at Martinsburg, W. Va. Wright, James A., August 3, killed by Indians, 1875. During the ye