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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 6: from Manassas to Leesburg. (search)
th scientific and religious. Like Jackson he was, too, a born fighter — as aggressive, pugnacious and tenacious as a bull-dog, or as any soldier in the service, and he had a sort of monomania on the subject of personal courage. It is certainly worthy of note that this fighting zeal is so frequently combined with a high degree of spiritual religion. Almost countless stories are told of the grim courage and grit of General Hill. In the first Maryland campaign he held the pass at Boonsboro for many hours with a mere handful of troops against McClellan's overwhelming numbers, thus giving time for Jackson to complete his capture of Harper's Ferry and join Lee at Sharpsburg. It is said that toward the close of the Boonsboro fight, riding down his short line, his men reported that they were out of ammunition, and that the stern old North Carolina Puritan replied: Well, what of it? Here are plenty of rocks! His habit was, when his skirmishers were firing wildly, to ride out
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
97, 128-33, 138-39, 144, 176, 179, 223, 261, 292-93. Barnes, Beau, 252-53. Barrett, ............ (orderly), 260-61, 270 Battle fatigue, 77 Battlefield tours, 92-94, 107 Bayonets used in action, 333 Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 208, 242, 274, 309 Beers, James H., 37-44, 150, 154, 181, 183 Bell, John, 25 Benjamin, Judah Philip, 26, 40 Beulah Church, Va., 270, 272 Big Bethel, Va., 44-45. Blount, ........... 321,330 Bocock, Thomas Stanhope, 26-27. Boonsborough, Md., 66 Botts, John Minor, 31-32. Bowling Green, Va., 266 Brandon, Lane William, 115, 130, 292 Brandon, William Lindsay, 115-16, 130 Bravery, standards of, 115-17, 194, 245-46. Breathed, James, 53 Breckinridge, James Cabell, 26, 308 Bridgeport, Conn., 37 Bristoe Station, 228 Brookin, ........... 329 Brown, Francis Henry, 51 Brown, John, 26, 31-33, 48, 82 Buford, John, 210 Burgoyne, Marshall K., 212-14. Burial of the dead, 41-42, 98, 116-17, 132, 143-44, 148-4