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me. Since the war this feeling has grown until the saddest feature of the irrepressible conflict is that it was waged between brothers, that every battlefield furnished many a spot like the one above. Two armies covered hill and plain, Where Rappahannock's waters Ran deeply crimsoned with the stain Of battle's recent slaughters The summer clouds lay pitched like tents In meads of heavenly azure; And each dread gun of the elements Slept in its hid embrasure. The breeze so softly blew it made Noges over which his troops were marching. The waters were indeed ‘crimsoned by battle's recent slaughters.’ To the right in the lower half of the panorama are the stone piers of the bridge in the telephoto picture on the next page. ‘Where Rappahannock's waters ran deeply crimsoned’ Panorama (with picture above) of Fredericksburg from lacy house The conscious stream with burnished glow Went proudly o'er its pebbles, But thrilled throughout its deepest flow With yelling of the Rebels. Aga