Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mount Vernon (Virginia, United States) or search for Mount Vernon (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
be in full fellowship with such a party, and to be called "brethren" by such honorable specimens of dignified humanity ? Verily, they are "all honorable men." Oh, Virginia ! Mother of Empires; how the bluch of shame tingles my cheek as I write these lines ! If you will submit to abolition rule, tear down your glorious "Sic Semper Tyrannis," and raze the battlements of Yorktown; let "time's effacing finger" wipe out the record of your earlier history; let decay and ruin be written on Mount Vernon and Monticello, and desolation on the graves of your Henry and your Nelson; let your children, already ostracized from all offices of trust, except at the price of disloyalty, be banished from the homes and graves of their fathers, and then granting them some "sweet oblivious antidote," let them die in humiliation and obscurity, while all Yankeedom shall squat and trade upon thy lovely plains, thy quiet valleys, and thy mountain summits. But, it cannot be-- "Must we but weep o