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r, were first taken off. Capt. Smith was informed that he must confine his equipment, on removal, to a bed and trunk of clothes, and his men to a bag each; and this having been arranged, and the men brought on board the Confederate steamer, the Arcade was fired. Capt. Smith having only five dollars on him when questioned, was allowed to retain it. Capt. Minott, of the Vigilant, six hundred and fifty-two tons, belonged to Bath, Me., sailed from New-York, on the twenty-first November, for Falmouth, for orders. On December third, about nine A. M., in latitude twenty-nine degrees twelve minutes north, longitude fifty — seven degrees twenty minutes west, a steamer, having the French ensign hoisted, hove in sight, came rapidly up, and proved to be, as Capt. Minott conjectured, the Sumter. The Vigilant was ordered to heave to, and two armed boat's crews were sent on board. They took away the ship's papers, and Capt. Minott on board the steamer; and after examining the papers, Capt. Sem
Doc. 143.-the advance to Falmouth, Va. A National account. About nightfall, on Tuesday, April fifteenth, Gen. Augur's brigade was ordered to advance. The General and staff preceded the troobridge was saved by the strenuous exertions of the Berdan's sharp-shooters. The little town of Falmouth, on the north bank of the Rappahannock, immediately opposite Fredericksburgh, was found almost Gen. Augur and staff were courteously entertained by Mr. J. B. Ficklen, a wealthy citizen of Falmouth, whose loyalty had rendered him obnoxious to the rebels. Private Haslam, of the Ira Harris lige bridges across the river were in flames, and that the confederate troops were retreating from Falmouth, and making their way through Fredericksburgh into the country back of it. I have no desire to s finally made, by which the committee were invited to see Gen. Augur at the headquarters, near Falmouth, on Saturday morning. The committee went Saturday morning, and had an interview with this Gener