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ago, killing twenty men.--The statement is doubted. There was some shelling yesterday, and some picket fitting on the lines; but beyond this, nothing of importance occurred. The valley. The Northern papers claim that in an action on the 10th instant the "rebels" were driven back with heavy loss. There is probably no truth in this statement. Indeed, we have it on the authority of a letter from an officer in General Early's army, that on that day the enemy was driven through Martinsburg, and on the following day our forces were engaged in tearing up the railroad. Sheridan, however, is not so much to be blamed for claiming success where he suffers defeat, for of all the Yankee warriors he seems to have been the most unfortunate during the campaign, and it is not surprising that he should desire to shield himself from the odium that would follow a confession of the truth.--It will be remembered that he played the same game at the time he was whipped by Hampton's cavalry l