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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 39 (search)
ay dash into the city and burn the bridges on the James; then our army would be in a fix. I have expressed this apprehension to the Secretary, and asked him to arm the old men, for the defense of the bridges, public buildings, etc. He awaits events. Mr. Hunter and other public characters are looking very grave. The following dispatch was received to-day from Weldon, via Raleigh and Greensborough, N. C.: May 8th. The enemy destroyed the wire from Stony Creek to within three miles of Belfield, a distance of about fifteen miles. Our men and employees are repairing it, and we hope to have communication reopened to-morrow. W. S. Harris. Col. Preston, Superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, has written another letter to the Secretary, urging the promotion of Captain C. B. Duffield, who threatens to leave him for a position with Gen. Kumper, at Lynchburg, where he can live cheaper. IIe says he has urged the President, to no avail. The Secretary has roused himself. Since
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 2: Parentage and Family.—the father. (search)
low, Whittier, Holmes, and Lowell. Leaving college, young Sumner accepted the place of an assistant in the Billerica Academy, of which his former teacher, Mr. Pemberton, had become the principal. While here he received a playful letter from his classmate, Leonard Woods, then at Cambridge, who had been enlivening his theological studies, which he had pursued at Princeton, with the reading of Don Quixote, Cecilia, and other novels; Shakspeare, Ossian, Pope, and the Spectator; and admiring Belfield in Cecilia, and the character of Sancho, Esq. Remaining at Billerica but a short time, he obtained, through the influence of Rev. Dr. Freeman and Colonel Samuel Swan, of Dorchester, a place as assistant in the private school of Rev. Henry Ware at Hingham, on a salary of £ 150, with special reference to the instruction of two lads, one of whom was John Codman, afterwards the pastor of the second church in Dorchester. An intimate friendship had grown up in college between Sumner and Joseph
igade. The whole command was actively engaged, and materially aided in the victory gained. At McDowell Junction, on the 27th of September, at Jones' farm, Gravelly run and Hargrove's house, the brigade was engaged with varying success, but with continuous pugnacity. In November Hampton made his cattle raid, and dashing in at Grant's depot, City Point, drove off over 2,000 head of cattle. This raid was admirably planned and as admirably executed. On the return the North Carolina brigade had a brisk rear-guard action at Belcher's mill. On the 8th of December, when the North Carolina Senior and Junior reserves so admirably defended the Weldon railroad bridge near Belfield, the pursuit was conducted by General Barringer, and he states that two squadrons of the First regiment, commanded by Captain Dewey, made a splendid mounted charge. General Bar-ringer puts the losses in his brigade for this campaign as follows: Killed, 99; wounded, 378; missing and captured, 127; total, 604.
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
863; Sharpsburg, Jack's Shop, Hawe's Shop, Trevilian Station, Yellow Tavern, Burgess' Mill, Reams' Station, Stony Creek, Belfield, Edwards' Ferry, Atlee's Station, Wilderness, Chancellorsville, Williamsburg, Richard's Ferry, Hagerstown, Bucktown, Occer of battles, prominent among which were Pocotaligo, Second Cold Harbor, Hawe's Shop, Trevilian Station, Burgess' Mill, Belfield, and Bentonville, and finally was surrendered at Greensboro. At Trevilian he was captured with a number of his comradesStation, White House, Hawe's Shop, Sappony Church, Lee's Mill, Gravelly Run, Reams' Station, Burgess' Mill, Stone Creek, Belfield or Hicks' Ford, and all the engagements in South and North Carolina from February, 1865, to the surrender of Johnston, ACold Harbor, Frayser's Farm, and the Davis House, on the Weldon railroad, where he was again wounded; Reams' Station and Belfield. He served on the Petersburg lines during the entire siege and fought with the rear guard from Petersburg to Appomattox
s severely wounded. He died, on his way home, at Augusta, Ga. Here also fell the gallant Col. Thompson B. Lamar, of the Fifth. On the 7th of December, 1864, the Florida brigade began a forced march of 50 miles, reaching the enemy's rear near Belfield the third day, and engaged in skirmishing, few being killed or wounded. The enemy, who had been on a raid, made his escape. In this movement Hill's entire corps was engaged against 20,000 Federals, who were compelled to retreat. The brigade rloss in killed and wounded; fought gallantly at Ream's Station on the 30th, and on the Weldon railroad, August 2d, charged within 100 yards of the Federal breastworks, but were compelled to fall back with a heavy loss in killed and wounded. At Belfield, and at Hatcher's run, February 4, 1865, they did gallant service. The Eleventh Florida regiment originated in a battalion organized by Theodore W. Brevard, of Tallahassee, afterward prominently identified with the career of the regiment. In
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Crenshaw Battery, Pegram's Battalion, Confederate States Artillery. (search)
was amusing to see the men as they crowded around the commissary wagon and hear them discant upon the possibilities of having their hunger appeased once more. Although this was winter, and the men therefore expected to be quiet, doing only the camp duty, yet General Grant, drawing the net closer around the thin, long lines of General Lee, would not have it so, and we are accordingly hurried out of our quarters to meet the industrious enemy and find ourselves in the road and pushing on to Belfield; and what a trip it was! Talk about straggling; well, there was some done that night. But who could help it? It rained, hailed, snowed, and did everything else that was ever done before. Cold! Yes, I tell you it was. Remember this was in the month of January. And then it was all for nothing. The weather had effected the enemy about the same way, and after marching all night we were halted near the Boydton plank road and parked our guns, the wind blowing so hard that it was almost im
Lieutenant-Colonel John R. Baylor, at present in command of Arizona, has been promoted to a Colonelcy. One of the Yankee prisoners who left this city last Friday for the South, escaped from the cars at Belfield, and is now at large. Martial law has been suspended in Knoxville, Tenn,
The Daily Dispatch: May 21, 1864., [Electronic resource], The War News — Grant Quiet — Another Reverse for Butler on the Southside — the battles in Louisiana, &c. (search)
hed Lawrenceville Sunday evening, when the sun was about an hour high, staid there all night, and left about 7 o'clock Monday morning, taking the direct route to Belfield. After getting within seven miles of this place they turned off to the left at Spratley's and went to Jarratt's, having no doubt heard that Belfield was an exceBelfield was an exceedingly dangerous place for them to visit. We will here remark that these raiders told Mr. Derby that they were not out on a fighting excursion.--that such was not their business, though if necessary they would engage in it. Their sale object, they said, I was to destroy railroads, &c., &c. They reached Jarratt's about 6 o'clp of Dinwiddie, in which every road is laid down, which he regularly reters to. He asked a great many questions about the county — how far it was to Stony creek, Belfield, Lawrenceville, &c. He appears to be a middle aged man. At Wilson's Depot, Speare took off his hat and asked those present if they had ever seen a real live Yank