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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Algonquian, or Algonkian, Indians, (search)
he former occupied the northern part of New Jersey and a portion of Pennsylvania, and the latter inhabited lower New Jersey, the banks of the Delaware River below Trenton, and the whole valley of the Schuylkill. The Mohegans were a distinct tribe on the east side of the Hudson River, and under that name were included several independent families on Long Island and the country between the Lenni-Lenapes and the New England Indians. The New England Indians inhabited the country from the Connecticut River eastward to the Saco, in Maine. The principal tribes were the Narragansets on Rhode Island; the Pokanokets and Wampanoags on the eastern shore of Narraganset Bay and in a portion of Massachusetts; the Massachusetts in the vicinity of Boston and the shores southward; and the Pawtuckets in the northeastern part of Massachusetts, embracing the Pennacooks of New Hampshire. The Abenakes (q. v.) were eastward of the Saco. Their chief tribes were the Penobscots, Norridgewocks, Androscoggi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Canals. (search)
chain of commerce. After the Revolution, the States of Virginia and Maryland took measures which resulted in the formation of the famous Potomac Company, to carry out Washington's project. In 1784 Washington revived a project for making a canal through the Dismal Swamp, not only for drainage, but for navigation between the Elizabeth River and Albemarle Sound. The oldest work of the kind in the United States is a canal, begun in 1792, 5 miles in extent, for passing the falls of the Connecticut River at South Hadley. The earliest completed and most important of the great canals of our country is the Erie, connecting the waters of Lake Erie with those of the Hudson River. A committee appointed by Congress during Jefferson's administration reported in favor of this canal, and a survey was directed to be made. Commissioners were appointed in 1810, who reported to Congress in March, 1811. In consequence of the War of 1812, the project languished until 1817. In that year ground was
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dutch West India Company. (search)
ting permanent settlements there; and the same year (1623) they sent over thirty families, chiefly Walloons, to Manhattan. The management of New Netherland was intrusted to the Amsterdam chamber. Their traffic was successful. In 1624 the exports from Amsterdam, in two ships, were worth almost $10,000, and the returns from New Netherland were considerably more. The company established a trading-post, called Fort Orange, on the site of Albany, and traffic was extended eastward to the Connecticut River, and even to Narraganset Bay; northward to the Mohawk Valley, and southward and westward to the Delaware River and beyond. To induce private capitalists to engage in the settlement of the country, the company gave lands and special privileges to such as would guarantee settlement and cultivation. These became troublesome landholders, and in 1638 the rights of the company, it was claimed, were interfered with by a settlement of Swedes on the Delaware. In 1640 the company established
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Colony of New Hampshire, (search)
Hampshire as an independent State is represented in the engraving. The tree and fish indicate the productions of the State. Shortly after the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748), settlements in New Hampshire began to extend westward of the Connecticut River. The territory of New Hampshire had been reckoned to extend, according to the terms of Mason's grant, only 60 miles in the interior ; the commission of Benning Wentworth, then (1741-67) governor of New Hampshire, included all the territory to the boundaries of his Majesty's other provinces, and in 1752 he began to issue grants of lands to settlers west of the Connecticut, in what is now the State of Vermont New York, by virtue of the duke's patent in 1664, claimed the Connecticut River as its eastern boundary. A mild dispute then arose. New York had relinquished its claim so far east as against Connecticut, and against Massachusetts it was not then seriously insisted upon. Arguing that his province ought to have an extent w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, colony of (search)
In the spring of 1614 Block sailed through the dangerous strait at Hell Gate, passed through the East River and Long Island Sound, discovered the Housatonic, Connecticut, and Thames rivers, and that the long strip of land on the south was an island (Long Island); saw and named Block Island, entered Narraganset Bay and the harborf lat. 45° N., until a long time afterwards. These emigrants were soon scattered to different points to form settlements— some to Long Island, some to the Connecticut River, others to the present Ulster county, and others founded Albany, where the company had built Fort Orange. Four young couples, married on shipboard, went to ted the Indian tribes, and systematically administered the affairs of the colony. He came in collision with the Swedes on the Delaware and the English on the Connecticut River. During his administration he subdued the Swedes (1655), and annexed the territory to New Netherland. Finally serious political troubles overtook the colon
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pequod War, the (search)
Pequod War, the The most powerful of the New England tribes were the Pequods, whose territory extended from Narraganset Bay to Hudson River, and over Long Island. Sassacus, their emreror, ruled over twenty-six native princes. He was bold, cruel, cool, calculating, treacherous, haughty, fierce, and malignant. Jealous of the friendship of the English for the Mohegans, and believing the garrison at the mouth of the Connecticut River would soon be strengthened and endanger his dominions, Sassacus determined in 1636 to exterminate the white people. He tried to induce the Narragansets and the Mohegans to join him. The united tribes might put 4,000 braves on the war-path at once, while there were not more than 250 Englishmen in the Connecticut Valley capable of bearing arms. Sassacus undertook the task alone. First his people kidnapped children, murdered men alone in the forests or on the waters, and swept away fourteen families. A Massachusetts trading-vessel was seized by the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
l......1632 Governor Winthrop, of Massachusetts, visits Plymouth......Oct. 25, 1632 A vessel of thirty tons built at Mystic called Blessing of the Bay......1632 Plymouth colonists send Captain Holmes to erect a trading-house on the Connecticut River at Windsor, above Hartford......1633 John Oldham and three others travel as far as the Dutch trading-houses on the Connecticut River, and bring back flattering reports of that country......1633 Salary of the governor of Massachusetts Connecticut River, and bring back flattering reports of that country......1633 Salary of the governor of Massachusetts Bay fixed at £150......1633 Griffin brings 200 passengers, some of them eminent men, as John Haynes, afterwards governor of Massachusetts, John Cotton, Thomas Hooker, and Samuel Stone......1633 Small-pox destroys many of the Indians of Massachusetts......1633 Ipswich settled......1633 Scituate settled......1633 Roger Williams returns to Salem from Plymouth colony......1633 Thomas Dudley chosen governor and Robert Ludlow deputy governor of the Massachusetts colony......1634
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Hampshire, (search)
of Lord Loudon......1756 First newspaper in New Hampshire and the oldest in New England, New Hampshire Gazette, published at Portsmouth......August, 1756 On application of New York, the King in council declares the western bank of the Connecticut River the boundary between New Hampshire and New York......July 20, 1764 Concord, settled in 1727, called Rumford in 1733, takes the name of Concord......1765 George Meserve appointed stamp distributer for New Hampshire, resigns his office representatives at Philadelphia, Josiah Bartlett and John Wentworth......Aug. 8, 1778 Phillips Academy at Exeter founded......1781 Daniel Webster born at Franklin, N. H.......Jan. 18, 1782 Sixteen towns, on the eastern side of the Connecticut River refuse to send delegates to a constitutional convention in New Hampshire, and desire to be admitted into the new State of Vermont. Vermont agrees to accept these additional towns, but Congress in its act of admission makes it an indispensab
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Jersey, (search)
J., where Fort Nassau is built......1623 Capt. Thomas Young, receiving a commission from Charles I., sails up the Delaware River to Trenton Falls......Sept. 1, 1634 Number of English families settle on Salem Creek, at a place called by the Indians Asamohaking......1640 Dutch acquire by deed a large tract of land in the eastern part of New Jersey called Bergen......Jan. 30, 1658 Royal charter executed by Charles II., in favor of the Duke of York, of the whole region between the Connecticut and Delaware rivers......March 20, 1664 Present State of New Jersey granted by the Duke of York to Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret by deed of lease and release, to be called Nova Caesaria, or New Jersey......June 23-24, 1664 By license from Colonel Nicholls, governor under the Duke of York, a company, the Elizabethtown associates, purchase the site of Elizabethtown from Indians, and establish the first permanent settlement in New Jersey......Oct. 28, 1664 Philip Carte
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vermont, (search)
s under General Stark......Aug. 16, 1777 Legislature at Windsor divides the State into two counties: one east of the Green Mountains, called Cumberland, and another west, called Bennington......March 12, 1778 Stockade fort and block-house erected at Rutland......April, 1778 Col. Ethan Allen, prisoner of the British since 1775, exchanged, is welcomed to Bennington by a salute of fourteen guns, one for young Vermont ......May 31, 1778 Convention of towns on both sides of the Connecticut River, including eight from Vermont, at Cornish, N. H., proposes to form a State, with capital on the Connecticut......Dec. 9, 1778 Assembly of Vermont declares the union of 1778, with the sixteen towns east of the Connecticut, null and void......Feb. 12, 1779 Legislature of New York refers to Congress to determine equitably the controversy between New York and Vermont......Oct. 21, 1779 Town of Royalton attacked by 300 Indians from Canada; many buildings burned......Oct. 16, 1780