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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
men greatly distinguished themselves, and their deadly rifles slew the British General Fraser, the inspiring spirit of Burgoyne's army. On our own soil we find the same heroism. When South Carolina was over-run, the guerrillas, under Sumter, Marion, Pickens, &c., drove the British back, step by step, to Charleston, where they were held in a state of siege until the end came. It is our deliberate opinion that no battles of the Revolution will compare in brilliancy with the defence of Fort Moultrie and the defeat of Ferguson at King's Mountain, fought solely by untrained Southern troops. Our own State had the honor of shedding the first blood in the sacred cause of freedom, of first proclaiming the great principles of independence, and of having on its soil that battle-ground where Cornwallis received from Southern troops the first check in his career of victory — a check which ultimately led to his surrender. If we come to the war of 1812, Harrison and Jackson, beyond all ques
a native of Kentucky, and nearly sixty years of age. He entered the service as brevet second lieutenant Second Artillery, July first, 1825. On the evening of the day that South-Carolina formally seceded from the Union, (December twentieth, 1860,) a grand banquet was given in Charleston, at which Major Anderson assisted, and, apparently, very much enjoyed himself; so that a party of gentlemen accompanied him to the wharf, where a boat was in readiness to convey him to his Headquarters at Fort Moultrie; Fort Sumter, the strongest of all the forts, placed in the middle of the bay, not being tenanted. But the Major's inebriety was all assumed, for at midnight he spiked the guns, and conveyed all his men and stores to Fort Sumter; so that next morning, when it was thought the Confederate troops might take possession, the Union flag betrayed the fact that Anderson was already there. Our leaders were greatly incensed at the Major, but President Buchanan would not disapprove the act, and w
rategy of war, and, indeed, as the means of beginning it, for he was at Washington for some months before the close of Buchanan's administration. The first lie that we remember, bearing directly on the beginning of hostilities, was the pledge made by Buchanan to the South-Carolina delegation in Congress, that the military status of Charleston harbor should not be changed. The pledge was violated on the night of the twenty-sixth December, 1860, by Major Anderson removing his forces from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, and attempting to destroy the defences of the former. The second important lie in the initiation of hostilities was the assembling of troops in force at Washington on the pretext that an attack would be made on the Capital, and the inauguration of Lincoln would not otherwise be permitted. The third was, the assurance that due notice would be given to the authorities of Charleston, if it were determined to reenforce or provision Fort Sumter. The notice was not given unt
John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, I. The tocsin of war. (search)
ut my name is not Pat, said the first speaker. Nather is mine Mike, said the second. Faix, thin, said the first, it musht be nayther of us. Nothing could better illustrate the attitude of the North and South towards each other than this anecdote. Nothing could have been more perfect than this mutual misunderstanding each displayed of the temper of the other, as the stride of events soon showed. The story of how Major Anderson removed his little band of United States troops from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, for reasons of greater safety, is a familiar one; likewise how the rebels fired upon a vessel sent by the President with supplies intended for it; and, finally, after a severe bombardment of several days, how they compelled the fort to surrender. It was these events which opened the eyes of the Northern Doughfaces, as those who sympathized with the South were often called, to the real intent of the Seceders. A change came over the spirit. of their
68-69,215-16 Dry Tortugas, 156 Eaton, Joseph H., 130 Ellis, George, 51 Ely's Ford, Va., 384 Embler, A. Henry, 266 Emory, William H., 265 Enlisting, 34-42, 198-202 Envelopes (patriotic), 64-65 Everett, Edward, 16 Executions, 157-63 Faneuil Hall, 31,45 First Bull Run, 27, 251-53,298, 340,356 Flags, 338-40 Foraging, 231-49 Ford, M. F., 264 Fort Hell, 59,385 Fort Independence, 44 Fort Lyon, 255 Fort McAllister, 406 Fort Monroe, 120, 162 Fort Moultrie, 22 Fort Sedgewick, 385 Fort Sumter, 22 Fort Warren, 44-45 Fort Welch, Va., 162 Fredericksburg, 100,237,308, 391 Fremont, John C., 46 French, William H., 307,353 Fresh Pond, Mass., 45 Games, 65-66 Garrison, William L., 20 Geary, John W., 295 Georgetown, 298 Germanna Ford, Va., 317 Gettysburg, 54, 72,239, 259,273, 378,406 Goldsboro, N. C., 264 Grand Army of the Republic, 98, 228,268 Grant, Ulysses S., 115, 121, 240, 263,286,317,340, 350,362,370,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., From Moultrie to Sumter. (search)
From Moultrie to Sumter. Abner Doubleday, Brevet Major-General, U. S. A., Retired. View single ordnance sergeant. The garrison of Fort Moultrie consisted of 2 companies that had been red band raised the number in the post to 73. Fort Moultrie had no strength; it was merely a sea batteson wanted the sand removed from the walls of Moultrie, and urged that it be done. Suddenly the Secederate forces. He appropriated $150,000 for Moultrie and $80,000 to finish Sumter. There was not but Anderson said he had been assigned to Fort Moultrie, and that he must stay there. We were theole situation, and who had orders to put both Moultrie and Sumter in perfect order, brought several of secessionists were The sea battery of Fort Moultrie. From a photograph taken before the war. my company had been left with a rearguard at Moultrie. These, with Captain Foster and Assistant-Suille. One day he went to the commander of Fort Moultrie and said to him: Will any impediment be pu[7 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Inside Sumter: in 1861. (search)
ton Harbor, consisting of Castle Pinckney, Fort Moultrie, and Fort Sumter, were garrisoned by an ard, was designed for a garrison of 650. Fort Moultrie, at the time of which we write, was considful to the Union. The old commander of Fort Moultrie, Colonel John L. Gardner, was removed; thefew minutes after sunset when the troops left Moultrie; the short twilight was about over when they dvantage of unlimited labor and material. Fort Moultrie had its armament again in position, and wahat time Sumter was master of the situation. Moultrie had very few guns mounted,--only one, accordi shot. As she approached, a single gun at Fort Moultrie opened at extreme long range, its shot fally Major Anderson, with Chaplain Harris of Fort Moultrie, who perhaps had been-summoned for the purhave set fire to the barracks and quarters in Moultrie; for, as it was, we wrecked them badly with seeping sort of gesture in the direction of Fort Moultrie, and said, Very well, gentlemen, you can r[13 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first step in the War. (search)
e believed, by the occupation of her territory. After the evacuation of Fort Moultrie, although Major Anderson was not permitted by the South Carolina authoritieSouth Carolina, and afterward of the Confederate States, took possession of Fort Moultrie, Castle Pinckney, the arsenal, and other United States, property in the vicinity. They also remounted the guns at Fort Moultrie, and constructed batteries on Sullivan's, Morris, and James islands, and at other places, looking to the reductn the barracks in Fort Sumter were set on fire by hot shot from the guns of Fort Moultrie. As soon as this was discovered, the Confederate batteries redoubled theionel Roswell S. Ripley, commanding the artillery: Five-gun Battery (east of Fort Moultrie), Captain S. Y. Tupper; Maffit Channel Battery (2 guns) and Mortar Battery . 2 (2 10-inch mortars), Captain William Butler, Lieutenant J. A. Huguenin; Fort Moultrie (30 guns), Captain W. R. Calhoun: consisting of Channel Battery, Lieutenant
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Notes on the surrender of Fort Sumter. (search)
Notes on the surrender of Fort Sumter. A. R. Chisolm, Colonel, C. S. A. Very soon after Major Robert Anderson moved with his command into Fort Sumter from Fort Moultrie, Governor Francis W. Pickens sent James Fraser, of the Charleston Light Dragoons, to me at my plantation, fifty miles south of Charleston, with the request that I would assist with my negroes in constructing batteries on Morris Island. Taking my own negro men and others from the plantation of my uncle, Robert Chisolm, aork untenable. Beauregard then informed me that if necessary he would go there and hold the fort with his staff; that on no condition would he consent to give it up to General Gillmore. It was after this that General (then Major) Stephen Elliott made his gallant defense of the ruins; when, with the exception of some guns buried under the ruins of the casemate facing Fort Moultrie, but one small gun remained mounted, and that was pointed toward the city, being used merely to fire the salutes.
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The siege of Morris Island. (search)
Ironsides and monitors commenced a terrific bombardment. A fog protected them from the guns of Moultrie. Sumter, having only two ten-inch and one eleven-inch gun left on barbette, could only fire ann anxious moment, but the fort was held. Gradually the morning dawned. The fog lifted, and Fort Moultrie opened fire on the ships. Instead of continuing their fire at this critical period the fleedefensive purposes. Our guns at Cumming's Point were a mile and a half from Forts Johnston and Moultrie, and within less than a mile of Sumter; and from Charleston, as the bird flies, more than threef that had just come off duty. Almost at the same moment he looked across the harbor toward Fort Moultrie, for he was on the beach facing it, and saw a mortar shell rise from the fort. Knowing the One day a small negro boy was leading a horse, hitched to a cart, up to the head of the island; Moultrie paid her respects to the young African, and, a large shell bursting near him, killed his horse,