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at the call of the National Government, and under the direction of her own untiring Executive — for no purpose of subjugation or aggression; in no spirit of revenge or hatred; with no disposition and with no willingness to destroy or impair any constitutional right of any section or of any citizen of the Republic. She would as soon wear a yoke upon her own neck, as she would aid in imposing one on the neck of a sister State. She sends forth her armed battalions — the flower of Essex and Middlesex, of Norfolk and Suffolk, of both her capes and of all her hills and valleys — in no spirit but that of her own honored motto: Ense quietem ;--only to enforce the Laws; only to sustain the Government; only to uphold the Stars and Stripes; only to aid in restoring to the whole people of the land that quiet enjoyment of liberty, which nothing but the faithful observance of the Constitution of our Fathers can secure to us and our posterity. Union for the sake of the Union ; our country, our<
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 144. the Lord Mayor's Banquet. (search)
welve o'clock, the procession, marshalled according to order, moved off on its way to Westminster, with a flourish of trumpets. The Lord Mayor, (Right Hon. William Cubitt,) accompanied by his chaplain, and by Mr. Sewell and Mr. Beddome, his sword and mace bearers, in the state carriage of the Corporation, drawn by six horses, and attended by a cavalry escort, was of course the principal person of interest in the pageant. Next to him in point of attraction, were the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, with their chaplains, each in a splendid chariot, drawn by four horses. The Lord Mayor having been sworn in, the accustomed inaugural entertainment took place in Guildhall in the evening, which was appropriately decorated for the occasion, under the tasteful direction of Mr. J. B. Bunning, architect to the City of London. The corridors and lobbies, from the entrance to the hall, were adorned with trophies, statutes, mirrors, and flowering plants. The hall itself was profusely decorated
gh, Main, Forest, Salem, Ashland, Oakland, Washington, Fountain, Fulton, Court, Cross, Park, Pleasant, Purchase, South, Middlesex, Water, Ship, Canal, Cherry, Webster, Almont, Cottage, Ash, Oak, Chestnut, Grove, Garden, Paris, Chaplin, Mystic, Brookhe question was tried at Boston, and, after able attorneys had spoken on both sides, the Court decide as follows :-- Middlesex, ss.--At the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, holden at Charlestown, Jan. 23, 1694. Whereas, there was an order of the General Court, in the year 1691, referring to the settlement of Mistick Bridge to the County Court of Middlesex, the said Court ordering the repairing of said bridge to be by the respective towns of Charlestown, Woburn, Malden, Reading, af each of the said towns; and then to make return of their doings therein to the next General Sessions of the Peace for Middlesex; and that for the future it shall be left to the determination of the law. This decision was not palatable to the d
Assistants, when they are to be chosen; and the Assistants, from among themselves, to choose the Governor and Deputy-Governor, who, with the Assistants, to have the power of making laws, and choosing officers to execute the same. This was fully assented to by the general vote of the people and the erection of hands. May 25, 1636: Mr. Bishop, as magistrate, appointed to keep the county court at Salem. 1643: Massachusetts Colony had thirty towns, and was divided into four counties,--Middlesex, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. 1646: Selectmen were empowered to try causes in a town where the magistrate could not, or where he was a party. The first mention of Medford in the public records of the Province is the following:-- At a Court of Assistants at Charlestown, 28th Sept., 1630. It is ordered that there shall be collected and raised by distress out of the several plantations, for the maintenance of Mr. Patrick and Mr. Underhill, the sum of £ 50, viz.: out of Charlton, £ 7
o Massachusetts. May 10, 1643: The General Court say that the whole plantation, within this jurisdiction, is divided into four shires; to wit, Essex, Norfolk, Middlesex, and Suffolk. Each had eight towns, except Norfolk, which had six. June 4, 1689: Ensign Peter Tufts was chosen by the town as Representative, according to thof Votes. Dec. 18, 1788.William Hull16.  Eleazer Brooks11. Oct. 4, 1790.Elbridge Gerry46. Nov. 2, 1792.Suffolk, Fisher Ames16.  Essex, Benjamin Goodhue16.  Middlesex, Samuel Dexter12. For the three counties, or district. Nov. 2, 1792.John Coffin Jones15. For the state at large, except Maine.  David Cobb16. Nov. 3, 1794.Bted and acknowledged by the said James Sullivan and Christopher Gore, Esqrs., or the survivors of them, and recorded in the Registry of Deeds, in the Counties of Middlesex and Norfolk respectively, should be as good and sufficient in law, and should have the same force and effect, as though the same were made, executed, and acknowl
. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisLombard & WhitmoreBoston578 268 ShipSwedenT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellGeorge PrattBoston650 269 ShipOswegoT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellJ. Macy & SonNew York663 270 ShipTaglioniT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellWilliam H. BoardmanBoston800 2711841ShipSoldanSprague & James'sSprague & JamesGeorge PrattBoston661 272 Sch.ArielSprague & James'sSprague & JamesR. B. ForbesBoston92 273 Stmr.East BostonSprague & James'sSprague & JamesAugustus NealSalem269 274 ShipMiddlesexSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorJ. H. PearsonBoston500 275 ShipBerlinS. Lapham'sS. LaphamWm. H. & J. E. BoardmanBoston600 276 ShipProbusJ. Stetson'sJ. StetsonD. P. ParkerBoston656 277 ShipCairoJ. Stetson'sJ. StetsonB. C. WhiteBoston256 278 ShipCoquimboP. Curtis'sP. CurtisB. BangsBoston684 279 BarkJ. W. PaigeJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisC. TaylorChatham200 280 ShipNavigatorJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisCrosby & SwiftNantucket346 281 ShipUnited StatesJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisBarrett &
m London. June 2, 1641.--The bounds for Charlestown Village (Woburn) are to be set out by Captain Cooke, Mr. Holliocke, and Mr. John Oliver, the contents of four mile square. Mr. Carter, the first minister of Woburn, was ordained 1642, when seventy-seven ministers had been ordained in New England. 1642.--Confederation against the Indians recommended by the General Court. May 10, 1643.--The General Court appointed a committee to lay out a road from Cambridge to Woburn. 1643.--Middlesex was the first to recommend and adopt the division of territory into counties. Mr. Edward Collins was chosen by Cambridge a representative in the General Court; but he did not attend. They required him to give reasons for his neglect, or pay twenty shillings. 1644.--Medford was called to mourn the death of its founder, Matthew Cradock, Esq.; and, in 1649, lost a friend and neighbor, in the death of Governor Winthrop. 1644.--It was customary with the early settlers in Medford to at
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Battle of Lexington and Concord. (search)
—were killed, several others were wounded, and the remainder were dispersed. It was now sunrise. On that occasion Jonathan Harrington, a youth of seventeen years, played the fife. The British then pressed forward towards Concord. The citizens there had been aroused by a horseman from Lexington, and the militia were flocking towards the town from every direction. The stores were hastily removed to a place of concealment, in carts and other vehicles, by men, women, and children. The Middlesex farmers, armed with every conceivable kind of fire-arms, were drawn up in battle array in defence of their homes and their chartered rights. Major Buttrick and Adj. Joseph Hosmer took the chief command. The British had reached the North Bridge. Colonel Barrett, then in command of the whole, gave the word to march, and a determined force, under Major Buttrick, pressed forward to oppose the invaders, who were beginning to destroy the bridge. The minute-men were fired upon by the British
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Provincial Congresses (search)
ompson secretary. They established a post-office at Portsmouth, provided for procuring arms, recommended the establishment of home manufactures, commissioned Brigadier-General Folsom first commander, and provided for the issue of bills of credit. On May 2, 1775, the provincial committee of correspondence of New Jersey directed the chairman to summon a Provincial Congress of deputies to meet in Trenton, on the 23d of that month. Thirteen counties were represented—namely, Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Monmouth, Hunterdon, Burlington, Gloucester, Cumberland, Salem, and Cape May. Hendrick Fisher was chosen president; Johathan D. Sargent secretary; and William Paterson and Frederick Frelinghuysen assistants. The Provincial Assembly had been called (May 15) by Governor Franklin to consider North's conciliatory proposition. They declined to approve it, or to take any decisive step in the matter, except with the consent of the Continental Congress, then in sess
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
re formally adopted by the name of Fundamentals or Body of liberties ......December, 1641 First commencement at Harvard College......1642 Elder Williams Brewster, of Plymouth, dies......April 18, 1643 Four of the New England colonies, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Plymouth, and New Haven, unite as the United colonies of New England, for mutual protection and assistance. Articles of union signed at Boston......May 19, 1643 Massachusetts divided into four counties—viz., Suffolk, Middlesex, Essex, and Norfolk......1643 Martha's Vineyard settled by some people from Watertown......1643 James Britton and Mary Latham put to death for adultery......1643 A thousand acres of land planted to orchards and gardens, 15,000 other acres under general tillage; the number of neat cattle estimated at 12,000, and sheep at 3,000; money scarce, and bullets for a time pass for farthings......1643 Samuel Gorton is banished for heresy and disrespect to the magistrates, and purchases a