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as that horses were scarce, and that it was not expected to use the guns at present, but simply to get them off safely; but that if it became necessary to use them they could do so with comparative safety to the mules as the guns were of very long range. I should have pronounced these particular mules safe anywhere, even under a hot fire, if extreme emaciation had been a sure index of departed strength and nerve in this variety of brute. But that is not mule at all. The next day, at Sailor's Creek, my corps (Second), after a short, sharp contest, made a capture of thirteen flags, three guns, thirteen hundred prisoners, and over two hundred army wagons, with their mules. And such mules! the skinniest and boniest animals that I ever saw still retaining life, I sincerely believe. For a full week they had been on the go, night and day, with rare and brief halts for rest or food. Just before their capture they would seem to have gone down a long hill into a valley, a literal Valley
Port Gibson, Miss., 370 Prentiss, Benjamin M., 301 Preston, N. D., 139 Rations, 108-42,206,226,291,320 Readville, Mass., 44-45 Reams Station, Va., 208,325-27 Revere Copper Company, 270 Reynolds, Thomas, 307 Richmond, 57, 139, 198, 230, 286, 313,320,358,364,391 Rip Raps, Va., 156, 162 Robertson's Tavern, Va., 134, 307 Rome, Ga., 400 Roxbury, Mass., 37-38,270 Saint Augustine, Fl., 248 Saint Louis, Mo., 279 Savannah, Ga., 384 Sawtelle, Charles G., 355 Sayler's Creek, Va, 293 Schouler, William, 23 Scott, Winfield, 23,250,252 Seneca, Md., 404 Sheridan, Philip H., 139, 267,293, 372 Sherman, William T., 239-40,246, 263,286,353-54,362,364,366, 384,400,403-4,406 Shiloh, 301,405 Shirks, 101-5,167,175,312 Sibley, Henry, 46-47 Sick call, 172-76 Sickles, Daniel E., 157,406 Smith, Andrew J., 263 Smith, E. Kirby, 160 Soldier's Aid Society, 85 Songs: Abraham's Daughter, 215; The battle Cry of freedom, 38, 42,335; Columbia, the