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Your search returned 2,272 results in 741 document sections:
Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), CAPUT QUARTUM. (search)
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The Voyages and Navigations of the English nation to
, and the severall discoveries therof chiefly at
the charges of the honourable Sir Walter Ralegh
knight, from 33 to 40 degrees of latitude: together
with the successe of the English colonies there planted:
as likewise a description of the Countrey , with the
Inhabitants, and the manifold commodities. Whereunto are annexed the patents, letters, discourses, &c. to
this part belonging. (search)
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The first voyage made to the coasts of America
, with two
barks, where in were Captaines M. Philip Amadas , and
M. Arthur Barlowe , who discovered part of the Countrey now called Virginia
, Anno 1584 . Written by one
of the said Captaines, and sent to sir Walter Ralegh
knight, at whose charge and direction, the said voyage
was set forth. (search)
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, narrative 712 (search)
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The description of the West Indies in generall, but chiefly
and particularly of Florida
. (search)
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The principal voyages of the English Nation to the Isles
of Trinidad , Margarita , Dominica
, Deseada , Monserrate , Guadalupe
, Martinino , and all the rest of the
; As likewise to S. Juan de Puerto Rico , to
Hispaniola , Jamaica
and Cuba
: and also to Tierra
Firma , and all along the coast and Islands therof, even
from Cumana
and the Caracos to the neckland of
Dariene , and over it to the Gulfe of S. Michael and the
Isle of Perles in the South sea : and further to Cabeca
Cativa , Nombre de dios, and Venta
de cruzes, to Puerto
Belo , Rio de Chagre , and the Isle of Escudo , along
the maine of Beragua , to the Cape and Gulfe of the
Honduras , to Truxillo , Puerto de Cavallos , and all other
the principall Townes, Islands and harbours of accompt
within the said Gulfe, and up Rio dolce falling into
this Gulfe, above 30. leagues : As also to the Isle of
Cocumel , and to Cape Cotoche , the towne of Campeche
and other places upon the land of lucatan; and lower
downe to S. Juan de Ullua , Vera Cruz , Rio de Panuco ,
Rio de Palmas , &c. within the Bay of Mexico : and
from thence to the Isles of the Tortugas , the port of
, the Cape of Florida , and the Gulfe of Bahama
homewards. With the taking, sacking, ransoming, or
burning of most of the principall Cities and townes upon
the coasts of Tierra firma, Nueva Espanna , and all
the foresaid Islands; since the most traiterous burning
of her Majesties ship the Jesus of Lubec and murthering
of her Subjects in the port of S. Juan de Ullua , and
the last generall arrest of her Highnesse people, with
their ships and goods throughout all the dominions of
the King of Spaine in the moneth of June 1585 . Besides
the manifold and tyrannicall oppressions of the Inquisition inflicted on our nation upon most light and
frivolous occasions. (search)
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The voyage truely discoursed, made by sir Francis Drake ,
and sir John Hawkins , chiefly pretended for some
speciall service on the Islands and maine of the West
Indies , with sixe of the Queenes ships, and 21 other
shippes and barkes, containing 2500 men and boyes, in
the yeere 1595 . In which voyage both the foresayd
knights died by sicknesse. (search)
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, narrative 783 (search)
An excellent ruttier for the Islands of the West Indies,
and for Tierra firma, and Nueva Espanna.IF a man depart from the barre of S. Lucar in Summer
time, hee must steere Southwest until hee hath sight of
Punta de Naga, which is in the Isle of Tenerif. The
markes to know it be these. An high point sloping to
the sea, & at the Easter point it hath two down falles
like particions, and they shew to be separated from the
maine of the Island & stand in 28 degrees & a halfe.
And if thou wilt have sight of the Grand Canaria, and
findest thy selfe with Punta de Naga, thou shalt then
steere Southwest and by South, and so thou shalt have
sight of Canaria which standeth in 28 degrees. And thou
must come to ankor on the Southeast side of the Island.
But I advise thee, if it be in winter time, that thou keepe
another course, and that as followeth.
The course that a man must keepe departing in winter
for the Indies from Sant Lucar.DEPARTING from Sant Lucar in winter thou shalt goe
West and b
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, An excellent ruttier for the Islands of the West Indies ,
and for Tierra firma, and Nueva Espanna . (search)
An excellent ruttier for the Islands of the West Indies,
and for Tierra firma, and Nueva Espanna.IF a man depart from the barre of S. Lucar in Summer
time, hee must steere Southwest until hee hath sight of
Punta de Naga, which is in the Isle of Tenerif. The
markes to know it be these. An high point sloping to
the sea, & at the Easter point it hath two down falles
like particions, and they shew to be separated from the
maine of the Island & stand in 28 degrees & a halfe.
And if thou wilt have sight of the Grand Canaria, and
findest thy selfe with Punta de Naga, thou shalt then
steere Southwest and by South, and so thou shalt have
sight of Canaria which standeth in 28 degrees. And thou
must come to ankor on the Southeast side of the Island.
But I advise thee, if it be in winter time, that thou keepe
another course, and that as followeth.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Here follow the latitudes of the headlandes, Capes, and
Islands, as well of Madera , The Canaries , and the
West Indies , as of the Azores
and the Isles of Cabo
Verde . (search)