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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) or search for Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) in all documents.
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A hard case.
--A Paris letter to the New York World says:
One young man from Mobile, who is said to have an income of $8,000 a year, is in the debtor's prison at Clinchy, at the suit of the keeper of an American bar-room.
Another young man, of a wealthy family in Louisiana, has been obliged to enter a store as clerk, and still another has obtained employment in the office of an architect.
But the hardest case of all which has come to my knowledge is that of a young man from one of the Southern States, who, by the stoppage of the Southern matis, is left perfectly destitute here.
But this is not the worst of it. He has been engaged to be married to a young lady in Boston, and the happy event was set for the 15th of September. The time has passed, and the unhappy lover, with three thousand miles of briny ocean between him and his beloved, is living here upon the charity of his friends.