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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 8 0 Browse Search
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War 4 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 2 0 Browse Search
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C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 8, chapter 47 (search)
Having finished these affairs, he returned to his legions among the Belgae and wintered at Nemetocenna : there he got intelligence that Comius, the Atrebatian had had an engagement with his cavalry. For when Antonius had gone into winter quarters, and the state of the Atrebates continued in their allegiance, Comius, who, after that wound which I before mentioned, was always ready to join his countrymen upon every commotion, that they might not want a person to advise and head them in the management of the war, when his state submitted to the Romans, supported himself and his adherents on plunder by means of his cavalry, infested the roads, and intercepted several convoys which were bringing provisions to the Roman quarters.
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 8, chapter 52 (search)
When Caesar had gone through all the states of Cisalpine Gaul, he returned with the greatest haste to the army at Nemetocenna ; and having ordered all his legions to march from winter quarters to the territories of the Treviri , he went thither and reviewed them. He made Titus Labienus governor of Cisalpine Gaul, that he might be the more inclined to support him in his suit for the consulate. He himself made such journeys as he thought would conduce to the health of his men by change of air; and though he was frequently told that Labienus was solicited by his enemies, and was assured that a scheme was in agitation by the contrivance of a few, that the senate should interpose their authority to deprive him of a part of his army; yet he neither gave credit to any sto
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 3, line 95 (search)
hereof the foresaid folke should grow. Anon (a wondrous thing to tell) the clods began to move, And from the furrow first of all the pikes appearde above, Next rose up helmes with fethered crests, and then the Poldrens bright, Successively the Curets whole, and all the armor right. Thus grew up men like corne in field in rankes of battle ray With shields and weapons in their hands to feight the field that day. Even so when stages are attirde against some solemne game, With clothes of Arras gorgeously, in drawing up the same The faces of the ymages doe first of all them showe, And then by peecemeale all the rest in order seemes to grow, Untill at last they stand out full upon their feete bylow. Afrighted at this new found foes gan Cadmus for to take Him to his weapons by and by resistance for to make. Stay, stay thy selfe (cride one of them that late before were bred Out of the ground) and meddle not with civill warres. This sed, One of the brothers of that brood with laun
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 1 (search)
aining such a Mistresse to confesse, Let hir contend with me, she saide: and if she me amend I will refuse no punishment the which she shall extend. Minerva tooke an olde wives shape and made hir haire seeme gray, And with a staffe hir febled limmes pretended for to stay. Which done, she thus began to speake: Not all that age doth bring We ought to shonne. Experience doth of long continuance spring. Despise not mine admonishment. Seeke fame and chiefe report For making cloth, and Arras worke, among the mortall sort. But humbly give the Goddesse place: and pardon of hir crave For these thine unadvised wordes. I warrant thou shalt have Forgivenesse, if thou aske it hir. Arachne bent hir brewes And lowring on hir, left hir worke: and hardly she eschewes From flying in the Ladies face. Hir countnance did bewray Hir moodie minde: which bursting forth in words she thus did say: Thou commest like a doting foole: thy wit is spent with yeares: Thy life hath lasted over long a
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 87 (search)
h his daughters bodies were transformde by wrath divine. The utmost borders had a wreath of Olyf round about, And this is all the worke the which Minerva portrayd out. For with the tree that she hirselfe had made but late afore She bounded in hir Arras cloth, and then did worke no more. The Lydian maiden in hir web did portray to the full How Europe was by royall Jove beguilde in shape of Bull. A swimming Bull, a swelling Sea, so lively had she wrought, That Bull and Sea in very deede ye mig Not Pallas, no, nor spight it selfe could any quarrell picke To this hir worke: and that did touch Minerva to the quicke. Who thereupon did rende the cloth in pieces every whit, Bicause the lewdnesse of the Gods was biased so in it. And with an Arras weavers combe of Box she fiercely smit Arachne on the forehead full a dozen times and more. The Maide impacient in hir heart, did stomacke this so sore, That by and by she hung hirselfe. Howbeit as she hing, Dame Pallas pitying hir estate, di
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The second voyage to Guinea set out by Sir George Barne, Sir John Yorke, Thomas Lok, Anthonie Hickman and Edward Castelin, in the yere 1554. The Captaine whereof was M. John Lok. (search)
as bigge as a mans thigh above the knee, and weyed about fourescore and ten pound weight a peece. They say that some one hath bin seene of an hundred and five & twentie pound weight. Other there were which they call the teeth of calves, of one or two or three yeeres, whereof some were a foot and a halfe, some two foot, and some 3 or more, according to ye age of the beast. These great teeth or tusks grow in the upper jaw downeward, and not in the nether jaw upward, wherein the Painters and Arras workers are deceived. At this last voyage was brought from Guinea the head of an Elephant, of such huge bignesse, that onely the bones or cranew thereof, beside the nether jaw & great tusks, weighed about two hundred weight, and was as much as I could well lift from the ground: insomuch that considering also herewith the weight of two such great teeth, the nether jaw with the lesse teeth, the tongue, the great hanging eares, the bigge & long snout or troonke, with all the flesh, braines, and