Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for Andover (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Andover (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Abbott, Jacob, 1803- (search)
Abbott, Jacob, 1803- Writer for youth; born in Hallowell, Me., Nov. 14, 1803. He was graduated at Bowdoin College in 1820. and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1825. From 1825 to 1829 he was Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Amherst College. He chose the pursuit of literature in the attractive and useful field of affording instruction to the young. One of the earliest of his almost 200 volumes printed was The young Christian, issued the year of his gradution at Andover. His books are remarkable for their wealth of information, their absolute purity of tone and expression, and for their wonderful attractiveness for the young of both sexes. Few men have done so much for the intellectual and moral training of the young for lives of usefulness as Jacob Abbott. His interest in young people never abated through a long and laborious life. His later years were spent upon the old homestead at Farmington, Me., significantly called Few acres, for its area of land
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barrows, John Henry, 1847- (search)
Barrows, John Henry, 1847- Clergyman; born in Medina, Mich., July 11, 1847; was graduated at Olivet College, Mich., in 1867, and studied at Yale, Union, and Andover theological seminaries, and at Gottingen, Germany. After two short pastorates in Lawrence and Boston, Mass., he became pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Chicago, and remained there more than fourteen years. In 1893 he organized and was the president of the World's Parliament of Religions. In 1896 he resigned his Chicago pastorate and went to India, where he lectured in an institution endowed by Mrs. Caroline E. Haskell. Returning to the United States, he lectured in the Union Theological Seminary in 1898, and in November of that year became president of Oberlin College. He is author of History of the Parliament of religions; Life of Henry Ward Beecher; Christianity the world religion; The world pilgrimage, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bradstreet, Simon, -1697 (search)
Bradstreet, Simon, -1697 Colonial governor: horn in Lincolnshire, England, in March, 1603. After studying one year in college, he became steward to the Countess of Warwick. He married Anne, a daughter of Thomas Dudley, and was persuaded to engage in the settlement of Massachusetts. Invested with the office of judge, he arrived at Salem in the summer of 1630. The next year he was among the founders of Cambridge, and was one of the first settlers at Andover. Very active, he was almost continually in public life, and lived at Salem, Ipswich, and Boston. He was secretary, agent, and commissioner of the United Colonies of New England; and in 1662 he was despatched to congratulate Charles II. on his restoration. He was assistant from 1630 to 1679, and deputy-governor from 1673 to 1679. From that time till 1686 (when the charter was annulled) he was governor. When, in 1689. Andros was imprisoned, he was restored to the office, which he held until the arrival of Governor Phip
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fry, Joseph 1711-1794 (search)
Fry, Joseph 1711-1794 Military officer; born in Andover, Mass., in April, 1711; was an ensign in the army that captured Louisburg in 1745, and a colonel in the British army at the capture of Fort William Henry by Montcalm in 1757. He escaped and reached Fort Edward. In 1775 Congress appointed him brigadier-general, but in the spring of 1776 he resigned on account of infirmity. He died in Fryeburg, Me., in 1794. Naval officer; born in Louisiana, about 1828: joined the navy in 1841; was promoted lieutenant in September, 1855; resigned when Louisiana seceded; was unable to secure a command in the Confederate navy, but was commissioned an officer in the army. In 1873 he became captain of the Virginius, known as a Cuban war steamer. His ship was captured by a Spanish war vessel, and he, with many of his crew, was shot as a pirate in Santiago de Cuba, Nov. 7, 1873. See filibuster.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Frye, James 1709- (search)
Frye, James 1709- Military officer; born in Andover, Mass., in 1709; served in several local offices, and in the army at the capture of Louisburg in 1755. At the opening of the Revolution he commanded the Essex Regiment (Massachusetts), taking an active part in the battle of Bunker Hill. He afterwards commanded a brigade of the army investing Boston. He died Jan. 8, 1776.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Government, instrument of. (search)
eterborough, 1; Northampton, 1; Nottinghamshire, 4; Nottingham, 2; Northumberland, 3; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1; Berwick, 1; Oxfordshire, 5; Oxford City, 1; Oxford University, 1; Woodstock, 1; Rutlandshire, 2; Shropshire, 4; Shrewsbury, 2; Bridgnorth, 1; Ludlow, 1; Staffordshire, 3; Lichfield, 1; Stafford, 1; Newcastle-under-Lyne, 1; Somersetshire, 11; Bristol, 2; Taunton, 2; Bath, 1; Wells, 1; Bridgewater, 1; Southamptonshire, 8; Winchester, 1; Southampton, 1; Portsmouth, 1; Isle of Wight, 2: Andover, 1; Suffolk, 10; Ipswich, 2; Bury St. Edmunds, 2; Dunwich, 1; Sudbury, 1; Surrey, 6; Southwark, 2; Guildford, 1; Reigate, 1; Sussex, 9; Chichester, 1; Lewes, 1; East Grinstead, 1; Arundel, 1; Rye, 1; Westmoreland, 2; Warwickshire, 4; Coventry, 2; Warwick, 1; Wiltshire, 10; New Sarum, 2; Marlborough, 1; Devizes, 1; Worcestershire, 5; Worcester, 2. Yorkshire.—West Riding, 6; East Riding, 4; North Riding, 4; City of York, 2; Kingston-upon-Hull, 1; Beverley, 1; Scarborough, 1; Richmond, 1; L
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jenney, William Le Baron 1832- (search)
Jenney, William Le Baron 1832- Architect; born in Fairhaven, Mass., Sept. 25, 1832; was educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; graduated at the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Metiers, Paris, in 1856. He also studied art and architecture in Paris studios in 1858-59. On his return he was commissioned a captain in the United States army; was assigned to engineer duty; and served on the staff of Gen. U. S. Grant from the battle of Cairo to Corinth, and then on that of Gen. W. T. Sherman until 1866, receiving the brevet of major in 1864; he settled in Chicago as an architect in 1868; was landscape engineer for the West Chicago parks in 1870-71; invented the skeleton construction (now generally used in tall buildings) in 1883; and was the architect for the Union League Club and the Siegel & Cooper Building, in New York City; The Fair, and the Horticultural Building at the World's Columbian Exposition, in Chicago, and other notable structures.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Osgood, Samuel 1748- (search)
Osgood, Samuel 1748- Statesman; born in Andover, Mass., Feb. 14, 1748; graduated at Harvard University in 1770; studied theology, and became a merchant. An active patriot, he was a member of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts and of various committees; was a captain at Cambridge in 1775, and aide to General Artemas Ward, and became a member of the Massachusetts board of war. He left the army in 1776 with the rank of colonel, and served in his provincial and State legislature. He was a member of Congress from 1780 to 1784; first commissioner of the United States treasury from 1785 to 1789, and United States Postmaster-General from 1789 to 1791. He afterwards served in the New York legislature, and was speaker of the Assembly from 1801 to 1803. From 1803 until his death, in New York City, Aug. 12, 1813, lie was naval officer of the port of New York. Mr. Osgood was well versed in science and literature.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Phillips, John 1719-1795 (search)
Phillips, John 1719-1795 Philanthropist; born in Andover, Mass., Dec. 6, 1719; graduated at Harvard College in 1735. He founded Phillips Academy at Andover and Phillips Academy at Exeter. He died in Exeter, N. H., April 21, 1795. His nephew, Samuel Phillips, was born in Andover, Feb. 7, 1751; graduated at Harvard College in 1771; was a member of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress four years; State Senator twenty years; and president of the Senate fifteen years; a judge of the court of common pleas; commissioner of the State to deal with Shays's insurrection, and was lieutenantgovernor of the State at his death. He left $5,000 to the town of Andover, the interest of which was to be applied to educational purposes. He was one of the founders of the Academy of Arts and Sciences at Boston. He died in Andover. Mass., Feb. 10, 1802. Phillips, Wendell
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Poor, Enoch 1736- (search)
Poor, Enoch 1736- Military officer; born in Andover, Mass., June 21, 1736; became a merchant in Exeter, N. H. After the fight at Lexington he was appointed colonel by the Provincial Congress, and after the evacuation of Boston his regiment was ordered to join the troops in New York that invaded Canada. In February, 1777, he was appointed brigadier-general, and as such commanded troops in the campaign against Burgoyne, after whose surrender he joined the army under Washington in Pennsylvania. He was in the movements near Philadelphia late in the year; spent the winter amid the snows of Valley Forge, and in June, 1778, was engaged in the battle of Monmouth. He accompanied Sullivan on his expedition against the Indians in 1779. When the corps of light infantry was formed (August, 1780), Poor was given command of one of the two brigades. He was killed in a duel with a French officer near Hackensack, N. J., Sept. 8, 1780. In announcing his death, Washington said he was an office
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