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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
idual wrongs — each gentleman giving name, date, place and specific charges. The latter would make a large bound volume of itself, which want of space only apologizes for the abridgment. John M. Weiner, formerly Mayor of the city of Saint Louis, was arrested in that city and kept in prison without any charges against him whatever. After the cruel treatment common to Saint Louis prisons, he was transferred to Alton penitentiary, and from there made his escape, and was killed near Springfield, Missouri. Mrs. Weiner sent for her husband's body for burial in Bellafontaine Cemetery. Whilst his wife and friends were preparing his body for burial, Samuel R. Curtis sent a squad of soldiers, who stole the corpse from his wife, and buried it in a secret place. Mrs. Beatty was arrested for begging the release of Mayor Wolf, who was sentenced to be shot in retaliation. Wolf was respited and then exchanged; but Mrs. Beatty was put in prison, manacled, shackled, and chained with a heav
set of people. A man refused to sell me fresh milk for my sick baby at any price; for, said he, that milk has butter in it. After it is churned, if you will send for it, I will sell it to you. No further effort was made with him, not even a remonstrance. The supremacy of law over force was fully recognized. The incident is trifling in itself, but it has its value. The route from Jefferson Barracks lay through the Ozark Mountains, in Southwestern Missouri, and passed by the way of Springfield and Neosho into the Indian Territory. Reaching Talequah, November 28th, and traveling by Fort Gibson and Fort Washita, they entered Texas at Preston on the 15th of December. From Preston the column moved to Belknap, and thence to Fort Mason, its destination, where it arrived January 14, 1856. Four companies were left on the Clear Fork of the Brazos, under Major Hardee. In this march they forded many rivers, and suffered three weeks of the coldest weather ever felt in Texas. While
eaders and with real purpose, was on the 10th of August, 1861, at the battle of Wilson's Creek or Oak Hills, near Springfield, Missouri. Lyon had followed the Missourians to this remote quarter with a small, though well organized, drilled, and d's haughty and impatient spirit cast off the counsels that impeded it, and he resolved on the aggressive. Moving from Springfield in two columns by a night-march, he attacked the Confederate army at daylight on the 10th of August. An attack on thesullenly left the field. The Confederates were unable to pursue. They slowly followed the Federals, who fell back to Springfield, and thence to Rolla. Major Sturgess reported the Federal loss at 1,235 men. The Southerners lost 265 killed, 800 woudvantages, and had employed a large force of the enemy. Fremont then advanced slowly, with a numerous army, as far as Springfield, where he was relieved November 2d. During General Price's operations, General Hardee had assembled six or seven t
ng rapidity, until an interposing hand strikes up the weapons and leaves the contest undecided. After the return of Price's army from the expedition to Lexington, it moved about in Southwestern Missouri until Christmas, when it advanced to Springfield, where it remained until the middle of February. McCulloch wrote to General Johnston, October 11th, that he had been able to recruit about 1,000 infantry, which did not supply his losses from sickness. McCulloch was convinced that nothing co organizing the force in Northeastern Arkansas until February 22d, when, learning the Federal advance, he hastened, with only his staff, to Fayetteville, where McCulloch's army had its headquarters, and toward which Price was falling back from Springfield. General Curtis, the Federal commander, had at Rolla, according to his report, a force of 12,095 men, and fifty pieces of artillery. He advanced February 11th, and Price retreated. He overtook Price's rear-guard at Cassville, and harasse
age. After a halt, Lyon, Sigel, and others formed a junction at Springfield, where they numbered some twelve or fifteen thousand men, well a Not only were we deficient in weapons, but when the march on Springfield commenced our commissary and quartermaster's departments, but reof toilsome travel, we approached a point thirty miles south of Springfield, where it was reported Lyon and Sigel were encamped on hills bes, found that the enemy had decamped and gone in the direction of Springfield. Their strength we could not ascertain with precision, but theyof August we camped at Wilson's Creek, about ten miles south of Springfield, and the whole country was scoured for provisions. Whatever the was found among the dead, and was decently coffined and sent to Springfield for interment. It was discovered that two small buckshot had pn Missouri. His body was interred by us in a metallic coffin at Springfield, but subsequently given to his friends, who removed it north to
while Price's main army had stolen several long marches upon them, and were making rapidly towards the south-west. At Springfield we learned that a different plan of campaign had been decided upon by the Confederate generals, and that Hardee's forctrong position at Pineville, (McDonald county,) and awaited Fremont's approach. The main body of the Federals were at Springfield, but had an advance division much nearer the Confederate leaders Our boys were particularly anxious for Fremont's advawed them several days, capturing many prisoners and large quantities of stores, and at last halted his weary column at Springfield — that city of changing masters! It seemed unwise to proceed farther; the enemy had halted at Rolla, or a little beyoor make the slightest diversion in his favor; so that, finding the enemy closing in upon him rapidly, he withdrew from Springfield, and was obliged to cut his way through towards Boston Mountain, where McCulloch was reported to be. After hard fighti
ttles, I saw a youth fix his ramrod to a tree, and endeavor to push the cartridge home in that way, for the musket was so dirty from use, that it was impossible to ram the load. Here was a situation for the boy to be in-ramrod bent, and the musket useless! Since the enemy have supplied us with arms, said another, we have had a good variety of weapons among us — the English Enfield rifle, by various makers; the old Harper's Ferry musket; the Harper's Ferry Minie musket; the new and old Springfield musket, rifled and smooth bore; and last of all, that heavy, unhandy, clumsily-made thing called the German or Belgian rifle, which carries a ball equal .to that of a young six-pounder. The Belgians or Germans, who use this weapon, must be hard, large-fisted fellows, used to playing with a pair of fifty-sixes; for it is certainly the most ungainly rifle mortal ever used; being furnished with a heavy oak stock, and trappings of iron and brass, sufficient to decorate a howitzer. Those I h
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
go with Price in search of Lyon, who was at Springfield and not hard to find. General N. B. Pearceof the Missouri line, and almost as near to Springfield as were Price and McCulloch, and who had wiountry lying to the south and south-east of Springfield, and were a unique body of soldiers. Very mies, nearly 11,000 strong, advanced toward Springfield. On the way they encountered Lyon, who had before, and must now be almost in sight of Springfield. The Confederates kept on, and on the 6th troops. The next day he took possession of Springfield, and sent Rains with a mounted force to clearmy was at once begun and was continued at Springfield, whither Price moved his army just before Cmen; ordered McIntosh to report to Price at Springfield with McCulloch's infantry; ordered McCullocat Price would have 15,000 effective men at Springfield by the last of March, and himself 18,000 atter by news that Price had been driven from Springfield on the 12th of February, and was hotly purs[4 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., In command in Missouri. (search)
Price, with an estimated force of 25,000, upon Lyon, at Springfield. Their movement was intended to overrun Missouri, and, nd of their term, unpaid, and unwilling to reenlist. At Springfield General Lyon had about 6000 men, unpaid and badly fed, ait. I had no time to lose. The situation of Lyon at Springfield was critical, and the small disintegrating garrison at Csas regiment near Leavenworth, to the support of Lyon at Springfield. Amidst incessant and conflicting demands, my immediate which was existing when General Lyon left Boonville for Springfield on the 5th of July. To any other officer in his actual e assigned positions, their lines of march converging to Springfield; and in the beginning of October I moved against Price. irst contact now with the enemy was at Fredericktown and Springfield,--the former one of the most admirably conducted engagemul against the enemy. At the end of October I was in Springfield with 21,000 effective men. Price had terminated his retr
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Wilson's Creek, and the death of Lyon. (search)
ral Nathaniel Lyon, was encamped in and near the town of Springfield, and numbered approximately 6200 men, of whom about 500 ase, without supplies, and he determined to fall back to Springfield, which place he reached on the 5th. During those blisteThe troops were put in march in the evening; those about Springfield immediately under General Lyon moving out to the west onces was the body to be removed till the army returned to Springfield, after which the aide returned to the front to report toorces and exhausted ammunition, persisted in a return to Springfield. The infantry and artillery, as soon as Totten's disablthrough the troops placed in rear, took up the march for Springfield. On reaching the Little York road, a body of horsemen wo recover the general's body, and the army moved on into Springfield, arriving about 5 P . . Lieutenant Canfield proceeded to to St. Louis in January, 1861.-editors. On reaching Springfield, Sturgis found that Sigel had arrived there half an hour