y heart to sing thy praise.
By his timely arrival General Mitchell cut a division of rebel troops in two. Four thousand got by, and were thus enabled to join the rebel army at Corinth, while about the same number were obliged to return to Chattanooga.
April, 20
At Decatur.
The Memphis and Charleston Railroad crosses the Tennessee river at this point.
Tile town is a dilapidated old concern, as ugly as Huntsville is handsome.
There is a canebrake near the camp, and every soldier les.
To-day we filled the bridge over the Tennessee with combustible material, and put it in condition to burn readily, in case we find it necessary to retire to the north side.
A man with his son and two daughters arrived tonight from Chattanooga, having come all the wayone hundred and fifty miles probably — in a small skiff.
April, 25
Price, with ten thousand men, is reported advancing from Memphis.
Turchin had a skirmish with his advance guard near Tuscumbia.
April, 26