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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
at first some confusion into their ranks. But the Federal guns soon obtained the advantage, and without coming to closer quarters both parties retired, each on his own side, with trifling losses. Sometimes it was the Confederates who assumed the offensive; as, for instance, on the 15th of September a detachment of their cavalry, numbering about four hundred and fifty horses, boldly crossed the Potomac and came in turn to attack the Federal posts near Darnestown, between Poolesville and Rockville; but it was repulsed, and left about a dozen wounded behind. Two months had elapsed since the battle of Bull Run. The Confederate chiefs, in view of the increase of the Federal forces at Washington, could no longer entertain the idea of an offensive campaign. The ardor with which they had fired the South, by pushing their outposts in sight of the capital, had swelled the number of their soldiers; the result which they had sought was accomplished. These outposts, having ventured very