Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Ann Thomas or search for Ann Thomas in all documents.

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The recent victory in East Tennessee. The Yankees are in a critical situation in Knoxville. Gilliem's command is there, and cannot receive any reinforcements, as all the troops in Tennessee have been sent to Thomas. Gilliem's headquarters are in the old fair ground of the town. A letter in the Knoxville Register gives an interesting account of General Breckinridge's recent victory near Morristown. General Vaughn moved around to the rear of the enemy and General Basil Duke was to attack in front. The letter says: "Everything worked exactly as it was arranged. The ridge was gained on the morning of the 12th with but little resistance, and General Vaughn was promptly in their rear. The point at which the ascent of the ridge was made, however, was about a mile from the enemy's inner entrenchments. Our men were immediately formed in a line extending across it. The range is a very narrow one, having only room enough on top for a bridle path — very steep on the sides, and i
Robbery. --On Wednesday night, Sergeant J. H. Dilkes, of company A., Tenth Virginia cavalry, was robbed of between five and six hundred dollars in money, a fine gold watch and chain, and a new suit of clothes. He had taken lodgings at Ann Thomas's boarding-house, on Cary street, and while asleep the thief entered his chamber through a window and carried off his clothes, containing the money and watch.