Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for D. Thomas or search for D. Thomas in all documents.

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l Relations.--The President announced the following committee on the part of the Senate, under Mr. Thomas' resolution, viz: Messrs. Johnson, Thomas of Fairfax, Newman, Early, Christian, Stuart and GreThomas of Fairfax, Newman, Early, Christian, Stuart and Greever. The secession of Mississippi was communicated in a message from the Governor. [See House report.] General Business.--A bill providing for a State Convention was reported, read the firg military display on the part of the Federal Government in the South, was taken up; whereupon Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, offered the following substitute: Whereas, in the present relations of the The amendment was adopted — ayes 30, noes 11. The question recurring upon the adoption of Mr. Thomas' proposition-- Mr. August moved that the same be laid upon the table, and printed. Mr. Cncurred in the motion. Mr. Critcher argued in favor of the proposition submitted by himself. Mr. Thomas advocated his own preamble and resolution. The debate was continued by Messrs. Isbell, Carter
Infirmary of St. Francis de sales, Brooke Avenue, Richmond Va. --Conducted by the Sisters of Charity Patients of all denominations, not having small-pox or any other contagious disease, are received. Any physician may send his patients to the Infirmary and attend them. White persons, in private rooms, pay from $7 to $12 per week, and in wards $6. Colored persons $5 per week. Physicians and Surgeons.--Doctors St. G. Peachy, D. Thomas, J. S. Dorsey Cullen. se 5--ts