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Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905 40 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905. You can also browse the collection for Goodman Thomas or search for Goodman Thomas in all documents.

Your search returned 20 results in 3 document sections:

Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Thomas Brigham the Puritan—an original settler (search)
I have made no study of the contemporaries of Thomas, nor have I ascertained the location of the orgist of the Brigham family, would have it that Thomas came of noble blood, in direct descent from th foundation stones of the old commonwealth. Thomas was then thirty-two years of age, and he appeation was established, by the way, a year after Thomas the Puritan arrived in Cambridge; while our owwithout its sad feature for the descendants of Thomas the Puritan; for while it gave him the distinc of the partner of the joys and sorrows of our Thomas. In 1637 he married Mercy Hurd, a comely womant in pursuit of the enemy. The children of Thomas and Mercy Hurd-Brigham were Mary, Thomas, JohThomas, John, Hannah, and Samuel. All were identified with the early history of Marlboro, whence their mother resident in Vermont, is a direct descendant of Thomas, the first son. This, at greater length tha Mr. Elliot spoke it always had puzzled me why Thomas should have trekked off to Clarendon Hill, whi[6 more...]
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Gregory Stone and some of his descendants (search)
y land of Samuel Tufts. November 27, 1740, Samuel Kent married into a remarkable family, remarkable as far as Somerville history is concerned, among whose numerous descendants are many of the present day to rise up and call them blessed. Of the children of Joseph3 (Joseph2, John1) Adams, of Cambridge, Rebecca married Samuel Kent; Anne became the wife of Peter Tufts, Jr.; and Mary married Nathan Tufts, his brother. Two sons of Joseph Adams, through their children, figure in this history,—Thomas4 Adams being the father of Hannah, the wife of Walter Russell, to whom reference will be made in our next paper; and Joseph4 Adams (styled deacon), whose children contrive to confuse us still further with their marriages, for Anna became the wife of Timothy Tufts, another brother of Peter, Jr., and Hannah married Peter Tufts, the third; Nathan5 Adams took to wife Rebecca, the daughter of Peter, Jr., and Joseph5 Adams (styled major) married, for his first wife, Lucy, the daughter of our Samue
le, William, 55. Bredge, Mathew, Sr., 83. Breed's Hill, Charlestown, 47. Brigade Band of Boston, 2. Brigham, Berwick on Tweed, 50. Brigham, Children of Thomas and Mercy, 56. Brigham, Mercy, 53. Brigham, Norfolk Co., Eng., 50. Brigham, Peter B., 56. Brigham, Peter T., Esq., 53. Brigham, Thomas, The Puritan, 49. , Daniel, 69. Cutter, Edward, 24. Cutter, Fitch, 24. Cutter, —, 24. Dame, Elizabeth, 19. Dana, S. L., 9. Danforth, Nicholas, 52. Danforth, Deputy Governor Thomas, 55. Danforth, Thomas, 53. Dedham, Mass., 88. Defence, Ship, 73, 74, 79. Derwent, Cumberlandshire, Eng., 49. Despeaux, Helen M., 36. Devonshire Street 9. Dogget, John, 51. Domesday Book, 50. Dorchester, Mass., 48. Downer (family), 43. Drake's History of Middlesex County. 5, 9, 60. Dudley, Deputy Governor Thomas, 27, 28, 33, 52. Dunning's Coal Wharf, 3. Dutton, H. W. & Son, 56. Eddy, Caleb, 8, 9. Edmands, John, 66. Edward II., King, 50. Edwardston, Eng., 2