Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for John Thomas or search for John Thomas in all documents.

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ell's other brigades. The Federals attempted to break Jackson's line through this opening; but Early, always quickly comprehending the wants of his position, had already asked for reinforcements to fill this space, and Jackson promptly furnished Thomas' brigade of A. P. Hill's division, and so made his line an unbroken front. The Federal advance on the north of the road, that of Crawford's brigade, was more successful. Taliaferro's brigade held the road and the strip of woods to the south o on the left, and took part in securing the victory. The brigades of Geary and Prince, which extended Augur's line south of the road, were also swept away by the Confederate counterstroke, Early having joined in the forward movement along with Thomas, and borne an active part in turning the tide of victory. Ewell, on Jackson's right, watched the fierce contention from Slaughter's ridge, impatient to join in the fray; but the Confederate batteries, which, with their usual daring, were being p
militia: Danforth, John B., colonel; Spencer, Thomas J., lieutenant-colonel First Kanawha regimeel, colonel;. Johnston, Robert, colonel; Owen, Thomas H., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Phillips, Jef, major; Jones, William E., colonel; Marshall, Thomas, major, lieutenant-colonel; McDonald, Angus W.erman, colonel; Knott, John L., major; Massie, Thomas B., major, lieutenant-colonel. Twelfth Infament (afterward Second State Reserves): Evans, Thomas J., colonel; Powell, D. Lee, lieutenant-coloneel; Reid, L. Wiber, lieutenant-colonel; Smith, Thomas, major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel. Thirty regiment: Anderson, David W., major; Buckner, Thomas R., lieutenant-colonel; Cobb, Norvell, major, Archer, Robert H., lieutenantcol-onel; Burke, Thomas M., major; Christian, William S., major, lieutilitia regiment: Adams, T. C., major; Bennett, Thomas F., colonel; Ross, D. Lee, lieutenantcol-onel;-colonel. Swann's Cavalry battalion: Swann, Thomas B., lieutenant-colonel. Tomlin's Infantry b[25 more...]