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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gregg's brigade of South Carolinians in the Second. Battle of Manassas. (search)
en in reserve, and the Forty-ninth Georgia, of Thomas' brigade. The contest was close and obstinateks, while further on to our right, in front of Thomas' brigade, it rose to an embankment. The grounhe rest of our division was posted as follows: Thomas' brigade of Georgians on our right, behind whes with but a small part of their force. General Thomas, who was on our right, advanced it seems te them from it. Thus, as I understand, General Thomas disposes of the rest of Milroy's brigade a the New Englanders was in an interval between Thomas's brigade and Gregg's. On this point surely Ge the right of Gregg's brigade from the left of Thomas's brigade. For a short time Gregg's brigade, erve with the Forty-ninth Georgia, left of Colonel Thomas, attacked the exultant enemy with vigor, ahe cut. Here, as they advanced, they came upon Thomas's brigade, posted in the thicket on our right. A short resistance, and Thomas's brigade gave way before the superior numbers of the assailants. [1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Merrimac and the Monitor—Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs. (search)
ember, 1874, at Buffalo, N. Y. [L. S.] E. P. Dorr, Notary Public for Erie County, State of New York. In presence of— George P. Dorr. We give also a copy of a letter addressed to the Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, by Adjutant-General L. Thomas, as follows: Adjutant-General's office, Washington, March 13, 1862. Sir:—I am directed by the Secretary of War to say that he places at your disposal any transports or coal vessels at Fort Monroe, for the purpose of closing the channel of the Elizabeth River to prevent the escape of the Merrimac again coming out. I have the honor, &c., L. Thomas, Adjutant-General. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. We also submit a copy of letter from Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of War, as follows: Navy Department, March 13, 1862. Sir:—I have the honor to suggest that the Department can easily obstruct the channel to Norfolk, so as to prevent the exit of the Merrimac, provided the Army will car<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Chickamauga. (search)
all arms secured and sent to the rear, and the enemy's line pierced near its centre and driven back beyond the Chattanooga road. Among the prisoners was Lieutenant-Colonel Von Schraden, Assistant Inspector General on the staff of the Federal General Thomas. Of the artillery actually captured, I am unable to ascertain how many pieces were ultimately secured. After night, Major Eldridge, Chief of Artillery, sent four pieces and one caisson beyond the Chickamauga. The men being exhausted, andion, but crosses to the south about the middle. At the east and west ends of the crest are the most elevated points of the spurs. On the slope north of the west end is Snodgrass's house, at which were the headquarters of Generals Rosencranz and Thomas during the latter part of the battle. Towards the south the slope from the crest is gradual for some distance in several places, and especially so at the west end, and terminates towards the cove in an abrupt, serrated declivity, presenting to o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Sherman's method of making war. (search)
rian point of view is scarcely so prominent. He says, It would be a magnificent stroke of policy if I could, without surrendering a foot of ground or of principle, arouse the latent enmity to Davis of Georgia. On October 20th he writes to General Thomas from Summerville, giving an idea of his plan of operations: Out of the forces now here and at Atlanta I propose to organize an efficient army of 60,000 to 65,000 men, with which I propose to destroy Macon, Augusta, and, it may be, Savannah annd break up all its railroads and depots, capture its horses and negroes, make desolation everywhere; destroy the factories at Macon, Milledgeville and Augusta, and bring up with 60,000 men on the sea-shore about Savannah or Charleston. To General Thomas, from Kingston, November 11: Last night we burned Rome, and in two more days will burn Atlanta (which he was then occupying). December 5th: Blair can burn the bridges and culverts, and burn enough barns to mark the progress of his head of