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The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Proceedings of the Methodist Annual Conference. (search)
many of the interior churches, an amount largely exceeding the assessment was sent up to Conference. Quite a number of the preachers entitled to draw portions of this fund relinquished their claims, so that the more needy of that body might obtain the same. The examination of the character of Elders was resumed, Rev. H. B. Cowles in the chair, and Thomas S. Campbell, F. L. Way, Wm. E. Judkins, John Kerr, Thos. H. Boggs, Geo. F. Doggett, Thos. Diggs, L. J. Harnsberger, J. A. Riddick, Nat. Thomas, Alex. Stewart, Jos. H. Jefferson, Jas. E. Potts, B. C. Spiller, Isaac M. Arnold, B. Devany, W. G. Lumpkin, R. J. Cesson, T. L. Williams, B. R. Duval and H. B. Cowles passed the examination. Rev. H. B. Cowles, when his name was called, surrendered the chair to Rev. George W. Langhorne, and gave an account of his action during the year as agent of Randolph Mason College. His operations had been greatly hindered by adjourned to Texas, the first relaxation from otive ministerial duties