Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Nathaniel Thomas or search for Nathaniel Thomas in all documents.

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E--Wounded: Privates Wm A J Denson. in hand; Wm M Burges, flesh wound, thigh; Isham West, hand; Thomas J Horton, mortally, head; Ephram Thompson; mortally, hip; John H Denson, slightly, cheek; Jas R in bowels; W A Beecher, severely, in side; Wm H Dilbon, do; William Griffin, slightly arm; Nathaniel Thomas, very slightly, check. Missing: Jacob T Thompson and Daniel E Lynn. Company K--Killed, in leg; E Edwards, L C Hutchins. Company H, Capt W H Williamson, commanding — Killed: Private Thomas E Buford. Wounded: Lt R P Doak, thigh: Lt And Allison, hip, slight, Sergt S D Major, head, ly. Missing: Corp'l Ausley, private Stephen Wilson. Company K.--Killed: Serg't Barowall, L Thomas. Wounded: Capt J W Lea, hand; privates Hesley. H C King, J S Barton, M Williams, J Horn, W G Gy D.--Privates T K Forniss head, mortally; J F Martin foots, severe Company E.--Private J H Thomas, back; T S Dyere, leg. Company F.--Capt G B Martin, mortally; Ord Serg M E Croxton, mortall