Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Richard Thomas or search for Richard Thomas in all documents.

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't. Gen. The St. Nicholas affair — another expedition after Col. Thomas' schooner. We learn that the steamer Chester, Captain E. S. pedition. Information was received on Monday night that Col. Richard Thomas, (the French lady,) with his seven companions, had reached Foff the mouth of the Potomac for some purpose in connection with Col. Thomas' visit to Baltimore. Col. Kenly, therefore, immediately resolveeason to believe that persons in the city were in collusion with Col. Thomas, whatever his designs may have been, and that several parties ofmen left the city in omnibuses on Monday, prior to the arrest of Col. Thomas, going towards North Point, designed, it was presumed, to furnisill be captured with all on board and brought to the city. Colonel Thomas is a son of the late Hon. Richard Thomas, of St. Mary's county,Hon. Richard Thomas, of St. Mary's county, for many years President of the Maryland Senate, and a nephew of ex-Governor James Thomas. We have not ascertained the names of the parties