Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 9, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for W. Thomas or search for W. Thomas in all documents.

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e. The Court also yesterday announced a serious of instructions in relation to matters suggested by Thomas T. Giles, Receiver, in the report in regard to property in Fairfax county. We subjoin a synopsis. The property should be taken possession of by the Receiver for that district, and under his control, as soon as possible; and if there is no other mode of obtaining it, he should file a petition immediately against those who have it. As to the care and labor bestowed upon it by W. Thomas, he ought to receive a reasonable compensation, to be paid either from the profits of the estate or out of the general Sequestration fund in Court. The Receiver cannot, however, safely pay anything until it is ascertained by the Court, or a commissioner, what amount of compensation should be allowed for his trouble; that is to say, if the Receiver could make such payment without such previous order he will have to run the risk of its being disallowed in the settlement of his account. The
s old; have a mother and seven brothers; no father or sisters living. My mother lives with two of my brothers, near Syracuse. N. Y. Their names are Patrick and David Donovan. My other brothers are named Michael, who is at work in Danville, Pa., Thomas, at Scranton, Luzerne county, Pa., Thomas, at Scranton, Luzerne county, Pa., William, near Pittsburg, Pa., in Brownstown, Allegheny county; Richard, who is in the Fifth United States Artillery, Battery A. stationed at Washington; James, who liveThomas, at Scranton, Luzerne county, Pa., William, near Pittsburg, Pa., in Brownstown, Allegheny county; Richard, who is in the Fifth United States Artillery, Battery A. stationed at Washington; James, who lives in England, and is a miner in the north part of that island. My brother Patrick, and the youngest one, David, are with my mother at Syracuse. As I have said, I have helped to support my mother from my wages, while at work at the rolling mills and while in the army. Cause for shooting Major Lewis. I had no motive for shooting the Major. I blame the Captain of my company (Fitzgerald) more than I do the Major. The Captain reported to the Major that I had been in two fights that day,