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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2.12 (search)
elightfully musical, calm and clear as of old — only perhaps a little more powerful. After his graduation, I never saw him again until the commencement of the late war. He was assigned to the First United States Cavalry, whose Colonel was Sumner and whose Lieutenant-Colonel was Joseph E. Johnston. Two years later, when I graduated, I was put in the Second Cavalry, serving in Texas. My Colonel was Albert Sidney Johnson; the Lieutenant-Colonel was R. E. Lee; the Majors were Hardee and George H. Thomas, and the two senior Captains Van Dorn and Kirby Smith. Stuart served with much distinction as a United States officer; had plenty of roving, riding, and fighting Indians. When John Brown's troops were marching on and took possession of the engine-house at Harper's Ferry, Stuart was in or near Washington on leave of absence, but he immediately volunteered for the occasion, and accompanied the then Colonel R. E. Lee as his aid to that place. He it was who, at great personal risk, c
Scott to him declined. its influence on his career. ordered to Sackett's Harbor. incident in artillery-practice. ordered to Jefferson Barracks. description of the post. expedition against the Winnebagoes. Red Bird. aversion to letter-writing. the angry flute-player. General Atkinson and his wife. Johnston's standing as an officer. a suicide. his charity in judgment. religious belief. St. Louis in old times. Henrietta Preston. her family connections. Governor William Clark. Thomas H. Benton. Miss Preston's education. marriage. Mrs. Johnston's character. Early married life. Little of general interest remains, either in documentary form or in the memories of men, respecting the early years of Albert Sidney Johnston's army-life. He passed the furlough granted after graduation in Kentucky with his father. The following incident of this visit is related in a letter from a friend, some five years General Johnston's junior, and still living in Kentucky, highly resp
lry, which was intended for immediate service in Texas, General Johnston was appointed as colonel, with rank from March 3, 1855. Brevet Colonel Robert E. Lee was made lieutenant-colonel; and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William J. Hardee and Major George H. Thomas, majors. Hardee was afterward a lieutenant-general in the Confederate army, and was always found equal to the occasion. Thomas is equally well known as a distinguished general on the Northern side. Among the captains were Earl Van DornThomas is equally well known as a distinguished general on the Northern side. Among the captains were Earl Van Dorn, E. Kirby Smith, and N. G. Evans, who were generals in the Confederate army; and I. N. Palmer, George Stoneman, and R. W. Johnson, who held the same rank in the Union army. Among the subalterns, John B. Hood, Charles W. Field, Chambliss, and Phifer, became Southern generals; and K. Garrard and others attained the same place in the Northern army. It is doubtful whether any other one regiment furnished an equal number of distinguished officers to the two contending armies during the great civil
er. political contest. Duplicity. neutrality. secret Union clubs. Unionists prevail. camp Boone. military preparations. General Robert Anderson. General George H. Thomas. Domination of the Federals. peril of the Southern party. humiliation of Kentucky. seizure of Columbus and Paducah. Before General Johnston's arrion was made a brigadier-general and began to organize a force at Maysville to operate in Eastern Kentucky. He was replaced at Camp Dick Robinson by Brigadier-General George H. Thomas, a soldier of ability, vigor, and experience. Thomas was a native of Southampton County, Virginia, a West-Pointer, and a man of mark in the old armThomas was a native of Southampton County, Virginia, a West-Pointer, and a man of mark in the old army. He was the junior major of the Second Cavalry, General Johnston's regiment; and, having decided to adhere to the Federal cause in the civil war, was rapidly promoted to the rank of brigadier-general. His position at Camp Dick Robinson was central and important. The country east of him was friendly to the Union; and that in
rty-eighth, and Thirty-ninth Indiana regiments, the Forty-ninth Ohio Regiment, and the Twenty-fourth Illinois Regiment (not less than 3,000 men), making over 6,000 effectives in all. history of the army of the Cumberland, vol. I., p. 29. General Thomas had at camp Dick Robinson four Kentucky, two East Tennessee, and several regiments from Ohio and Indiana; Ibid., vol. I., pp. 21-37. probably 6,000 men. He had also a large auxiliary force of home Guards, useful to protect roads and keep r way to camp Dick Robinson; and, at that time, the presence of a United States army would have roused a numerous and warlike population in revolt against the Confederacy. Van Horne says ( army of the Cumberland, vol. I., page 37): General Thomas suggested to General Anderson the importance of concentrating for an advance to Knoxville, Tennessee, to seize the East Tennessee & Virginia Railroad, destroy all the bridges East and West from Knoxville, and then to turn upon Zollicoffer, wh
and a bold, aggressive spirit, every inch a soldier. General Polk's great services, his close public and private relations with the subject of this memoir, his anomalous position as bishop and general, and the wide misapprehension of his life and character by those who knew only one side or the other, warrant a more extended notice. Leonidas Polk was descended from a family noted in our Revolutionary annals. It came from the north of Ireland about 1722, to Maryland; and about 1753, Thomas, the son of William Polk, found a congenial home in the Scotch-Irish settlement of Mecklenburg County, in the province of North Carolina. Here he married and prospered, attaining wealth and eminence among his people. It may be recollected that for Mecklenburg County is claimed the honor of making the first Declaration of Independence from the mother-country. According to the historian of these events, Colonel Thomas Polk convoked the meeting that took this first step in treason. He was a
men opposed to them in Eastern Kentucky, under General Thomas. Polk had small permanent camps at Feliciana athis was too late, of course, to reach him. General Thomas, who had his headquarters at Dick Robinson, hadll the arrangements for this scheme had been made. Thomas had pushed forward his advance to Rockcastle Hills,erman's right flank, Schoepf was pushed forward, by Thomas, to London. At the same time the Unionists of East him on his front, Sherman had in all, including Thomas, 40,000 men, fully organized. (See Appendix A, p. 3n, viz., Dick Robinson and Elizabethtown. General George H. Thomas still continued to command the former, andwould unite his force with Zollicoffer, and fall on Thomas at Dick Robinson, or McCook at Nolin. Had he done ve on him in force, on the 11th of November ordered Thomas to withdraw behind the Kentucky River; and Thomas oThomas ordered Schoepf, who was at London, to retire to Crab Orchard. Schoepf fell back, but with such precipitation
i., pp. 206-208) undertakes to give a statement of his strength, about the 3d or 4th of November. He states that General McCook had at Nolin four brigades, consisting of fourteen regiments of volunteers and some regulars, besides artillery — a force 13,000 strong. General Sherman also furnishes a tabulated list of the regiments under his command, which must have been compiled from imperfect sources. He mentions eleven regiments in easy supporting distance of McCook, and assigns seven to Thomas at Dick Robinson, with three more near by, besides seven others at different points. This makes forty-two regiments. Nelson's command, elsewhere mentioned as containing five regiments, of which three contained 2,650 men, is probably intentionally excluded from this table. But the list contains no mention of a number of Kentucky regiments then actually or nearly completed, some of which were then doing service, such as those commanded by Garrard, Pope, Ward, Hobson, Grider, McHenry, Jackso
wo regiments to his aid, arriving on the 7th. Thomas sent him a regiment and a battery, and on the th bank to protect his communications. General Thomas's command, occupying the country east of L On the 29th of December General Buell ordered Thomas to advance against Zollicoffer, moving by Coluance, as they joined in the pursuit. Such was Thomas's position on the morning of the 19th of Janua His first intimation to General Johnston of Thomas's approach was the following letter, written Jshing Creek was inevitable, and would separate Thomas from Schoepf. It was afterward alleged that hempting to take the enemy in detail, attacking Thomas first. He called a council of officers, howevnd Battle's regiments came upon the first line Thomas had thrown forward to receive them. Genera Zollicoffer's body was borne into a tent, by Thomas's orders, and identified by Colonel Connell, o Crittenden to Monticello, and then returned. Thomas did not pursue his victory, for reasons suffic[14 more...]
n Department, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, February 27, 1862. Sir: The fall of Fort Donelson compelled me to withdraw the forces under my command from the north bank of the Cumberland, and to abandon the defense of Nashville, which, but for that disaster, it was my intention to protect to the utmost. Not more than 11,000 effective men were left under my command to oppose a column of General Buell's of not less than 40,000 troops moving by Bowling Green, while another superior force under General Thomas outflanked me to the east, and the armies from Fort Donelson, with the gunboats and transports, had it in their power to ascend the Cumberland, now swollen by recent floods, so as to interrupt all communications with the south. The situation left me no alternative but to evacuate Nashville or sacrifice the army. By remaining, the place would have been unnecessarily subjected to destruction, as it is very indefensible, and no adequate force would have been left to keep the enemy in c