h, John Daley, Robert Hargrave, Morris Illig, Alonzo A. P. V. McCoy.
Frozen feet: Sergt. Wm. L. Beach; Corporals William L. White and James R. Hunt; privates Stradge Ansley, Matthew Armone, David Briston, Fred. W. Becker, Nathaniel Chapman, Samuel Caldwell, Joseph Chapman, John G. Hertle, Chas.
B. Horse, Joseph Hill, George Johnston, Jefferson Lincoln, Arthur Mitchell, James McKown, Alonzo R. Palmer, Charles Wilson.
Third infantry, company K.--Killed: Privates John E. Barker, Samuel W. Thomas.
Seriously wounded: Sergeant A. J. Austin, E. C. Hoyt; privates John Hensley, Thos. B. Walker.
Frozen feet: Sergeants C. J. Herron, C. F. Williams; Corporals Wm. Bennett, John Lattman, John Wingate; privates Joseph German, James Urquhart, Wm. S. John, Algeray Ramsdell, James Epperson, A. J. F. Randell, William Farnham, John Baurland, Giles Ficknor, Alfred Peusho, B. B. Bigelow, J. Anderson, F. Bouralso, F. Brouch, A. L. Bailey, William Charleton, D. Donahue, C. H. Godbold, J. Heywood
respectfully request that you will convene the general Assembly, to meet on this 1st day of April, 1862.
John Hickenson,
William D Pate,
C Y Thomas,
J K, Marshall,
Wm L early,
Bollvar Christian,
James D Armstrong.
H W. Thomas,
John D Pennybacker,
John Brannon,
R. R Callier,
Thos M. Isbell,
R a Coghill,
C B. Finney.
Cyrus a Branch,
Wm F Thompton,
James H Carson.
James M Whittle,
James F Johnson,
Robt M Wiley,
Chas B Ball.
W G Cazenove,
James Franklin,
John Gilmer,
Seymour Lynn,
Adam, mall,
Lasac Vermillion,
David B. Clark
James Walker.
Chas Williams,
John H. Daniel,
Samuel Carpenter,
I E McDonald,
Richard Payne,
H N Colemen, Jr,
S W Thomas,
Duncan McLaughlin,
Hugh W Sheffey,
H B Tomlin.
R. D. Mentagus,
Wyndham Robertson,
Thos H Wynne,
Geo T Wright,
Green Lames,
Jno C. Woodson,
J Dudley Davis,
James Davis
Geo H. West,
C. T. Friend,
E C Barks,
A Jordan.
, Serg M F Cox, Serg L R Cummings, Serg T J Sanchez.
Corp'l D H Bennett, Privates John A Canson.
T McCain, D W Robinson, C L Dickins, J H Stunders, J Moore, J J Thomas, C D Rawis, J F Strach, J J Williams.
Eleventh Company--Captain Ballentyne, Serg Riley, Corp'l Brewer, Privates Bryan, G Clifford, C P Clark, W H Dennison, G
Company a--Lieutenant Fink commanding: none.
Company B--Lieut McCartey commanding: Corp'l Wm S Houston and Jacob V Reynolds, Privates Henry Eanes, Nath R Thomas, Philip Sarvor, a J Minnick, and G H C Suodgrass, killed.
Privates G W Harizell, severely wounded in head; Wm H Jones, slightly in head; Jas S McClanahan, arm brw; Wm Foreman, T N Forbes, in arms; W A Nevil, severely in the arm; B A Williams, in the leg; L Williams, foot; Wm S Wright, arm.
Capt Cleves's Company.--W J Thomas, side mortally; Alonzo Roaue, head; Arthur Harvey, shoulder, slightly.
Capt. Shivers's Company.--Lieut Wilson, wounded in the shoulder; Privates H H Bell, br
allant charge of the afterwards fully verified the good opinion of their commander.
Among the distinguished acts of daring on Saturday was the capture by Capt. Thomas of Mississippi, of the colors of a Federal regiment.
He was acting on General Longs rest a staff, and while Col. Giles's regiment was charging, he galloped same company, Samuel C. mes, James E. Bacon, James C. Courtty, Col. Pines, and James Butler, were ed John S. Chilton was wounded, and since died.
Ro. V. Hart, Thomas Wyr- Thomas C. Kelly, John W. Walton, Be- Cariton, Benjamin P. Sale, William H. eyer, John W. Willeroy, John A. Crossfield, John T. Gresham, F. V. Segar, S. F. Dot Triplett.
Co. C--Killed, Sergt. W. Fletcher; wounded.
privates.--Graham, --Riley,--Hurst, and — Hurst.
Co. B--Wounded, privates Wm. Donnelly, F. Bowyer, and W. Thomas. Co. E--Wounded, J. Weadon, S. M. Fling, J. T. Gaines, --Henderson, and — Cox Co. F.--Killed, private Wm. F. Fulton wounded, J. Barton.--Ocstello, W. Dickey, T.