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ree, producing this delicious fruit, grew on the side hill, within two rods of the former Woburn line, and about ten rods east of the present road which leads from West Medford to the ancient boundary of Woburn. It was on the farm occupied by Mr. Thompson, forty or fifty rods south of what used to be called the black-horse tavern. At the request of Governor Brooks, the writer made a visit to that tree in 1813, and climbed it. It was very old and partly decayed, but bore fruit abundantly. Arouwas shortened to Peckers; and, during my youth, they were seldom called by any other name. How they came by their present appellative is this. Young Baldwin, of Woburn, afterwards a colonel, and father of Loami, was an intimate friend of young Thompson (afterwards Count Rumford); and, as lovers of science, they asked permission of Professor Winthrop to attend his course of lectures in natural philosophy, at Harvard College. Twice each week, these two thirsty and ambitious students walked from
The order of Court, under which they acted, was passed April, 1776. We find the following in our records:-- Copy of the return made to the General Court, pursuant to a resolve of the Great and General Court passed last April, the Committee of Safety, &c., of the town of Medford have proceeded to take into their care the estates of sundry persons who are deemed inimical to the liberties of America, of which the following is a true account, viz.:-- Of the estate belonging to Joseph Thompson, late of Medford: one piece pasture land, and one piece marsh, which have been leased to Richard Crees, one year, for £ 7. 4s. A shop, leased to William Gowen for 40s. per annum. Half a dwelling-house, leased to Jonathan Patten, one year, for £ 6. 13s. 4d. Two-seventh parts of the following house and lands, being his share of his mother's thirds, undivided and not leased: a piece of plough-land, half an acre; a piece mowing-land, one acre; a wood-lot, four acres; one-third of half a dw
all5 John Wade6 Samuel Hall7 Watts Turner8 William Tufts, 3d9 William Tufts10 Simon Bradshaw11 Samuel Angier12 Francis Burns13 Zachary Pool14 Jonathan Patten15 E. Hall16 Nathan Tufts17 Samuel Tufts, 2d18 Benjamin Teal19 Timothy Tufts20 Henry Fowle21 James Tufts22 Richard Hall23 Isaac Hall24 Thomas Seccombe25 Benjamin Hall26 Minister's Pew27 Isaac Royal28 Timothy Newhall29 Peter Jones30 Nathan Tufts, jun.31 Timothy Hall32 Hezekiah Blanchard33 Thomas Patten34 Joseph Thompson35 Henry Putnam36 Seth Blodget37 Willis Hall38 Jacob Hall39 John Leathe40 Samuel Jenks41 Andrew Hall42 Isaac Warren43 Isaac Greenleaf44 Samuel Kidder45 Simon Tufts46 Ebenezer Blanchard47 Edward Brooks48 It is specially recorded, that, at the raising of this meeting-house, which took place July 26 and 27, 1769, there was no one hurt. That such an exemption was remarkable, at that period, may be explained by the fact, that probably our fathers did not put themselves into
 58Susanna, b. Aug. 3, 1778.  59John, b. June 3, 1786.   Rebecca Bradshaw m. Wm. Hall, jun., Feb. 7, 1753.   Mercy Bradshaw m. Joseph Ellis, of Dedham, May 13, 1756.   Mary Bradshaw m. Nathaniel Hall, Apr. 2, 1761.   Sarah Bradshaw m. Joseph Thompson, Dec. 30, 1718.   Hannah Bradshaw m. Enoch Greenleaf, Feb. 17, 1726.   Abigail Bradshaw m. Jonathan Watson, Jan. 16, 1729.   Elizabeth Bradshaw m. John Muzzy, July 12, 1709.   William Bradshaw m. Elizabeth Lampson, June 5, 1761.   Susanf, May 19, 1778, who d. Apr. 1, 1830, aged 78. He d. Dec. 16, 1821, leaving--  14-20Mary, b. Apr. 1, 1779; m. Benjamin Abbot, of Andover.  21Samuel, b. Sept. 4, 1781; m. Hannah P. Rogers.  22William, b. Dec. 10, 1784; m. Charlotte Adams.  23Thompson, b. Apr. 17, 1788; m. M. A. Cannell; d. July 5, 1840.  24Francis, b. July 16, 1789; m. E. Blanchard; d. May 11, 1827.  25Joseph, b. Apr. 30, 1791; m. N. J. Homer, and is still alive.  26James, b. Nov. 1, 1793; d., Mar. 20,
, 96. Sewall, 8, 207, 213, 436. Shadwell, 44. Shed, 540. Shephard, 3, 36, 42, 541. Ship-building, 357, 366. Simonds, 36. Slaves, 434. Smith, 4, 12, 36, 54, 75, 295. Societies, 476. Soldiers, 165. Sprague, 8, 32, 107. Squa Sachem, 43, 73. Stearns, 306. Stilman, 37. Storms and Freshets, 446. Stower, 9. Swan family, 541. Swan, 36, 307. Symmes family, 542. Symmes, 2, 4, 37, 42, 74, 353. Tainter, 543. Taverns, 422. Taxes, 408. Thompson, 19, 543. Touro, 493. Town incorporated, 119. Town-clerks, 127. Town Hall, 346. Tornado, 444. Trade, 349. Tufts family, 543. Tufts, 37, 42, 43, 44, 49, 51, 144, 196, 297, 303, 306, 484, 495, 570. Tufts College, 297. Turell family, 555. Turell, 29, 49, 221, 310, 319. Universalist Church, 269. Usher family, 556. Usher, 36, 168, 169, 170, 178, 188, 193, 345, 419, 538, 570. Wade family, 558. Wade, 8, 28, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 97, 100, 327, 425.
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Light Batteries in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, December, 1864. (search)
 2    15Colcock's Light Artillery (section)South CarolinaLieut. Johnson2       16Chatham ArtilleryGeorgiaCapt. J. F. Wheaton4       17Regular Light BatteryGeorgiaCapt. J. A. Maxwell4       18Guerard's Light BatteryGeorgiaCapt. Jno. M. Guerard22      19Daniell's Light BatteryGeorgiaCapt. Chas. Daniell4       20Terrell Light BatteryGeorgiaCapt. Jno. W. Brooks4       21Barnwell's Light BatteryGeorgiaCapt. A. S. Barnwell4       22Anderson's Light BatteryGeorgiaCapt. Anderson4       23Jo. Thompson ArtilleryGeorgiaCapt. C. R. Hanleiter 22     24Hamilton's Batt'n Light Artillery Major Hamilton 2 244  25Girardey's Battery Light Artillery Capt. C. E. Girardey 4      26Gamble's Battery Light ArtilleryFloridaCapt. C. E. Dyke 2  2   27Dunham's Battery Light ArtilleryFloridaCapt. J. L. Dunham4       28Abell's Battery Light ArtilleryFloridaCapt. H. F. Abell22      29Kilcrease Battery Light ArtilleryFloridaCapt
A. A. Hardin, Stanford's battery, were killed; and Lieut.-Col. J. A. Wilson and Adjt. H. W. Mott, Twenty-fourth; Maj. R. A. Jarnigan, Nineteenth, and Capt. T. H. Francis, Fourth, were wounded. Lieut.-Col. Andrew J. Keller, of the Fourth, was very sick, but in spite of his disability was at his post. Stewart lost one-fourth of his brigade; the Nineteenth, under gallant Frank Walker, suffered more heavily than any other regiment. Colonel Walker reported they have conduct of Orderly-Sergt. Joseph Thompson, Company I, who, after the brigade had halted, advanced far into the field and captured two prisoners. Donelson's brigade, advanced as a support to Chalmers of Withers' division, was under fire of shot and shell until nightfall, and sustained losses in killed and wounded in every part of the field of battle early in the action. When General Chalmers was wounded, causing his brigade to fall back in confusion, Donelson moved up, under heavy fire, to its place in the front line. Re
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford in the War of the Revolution. (search)
isted there in the service of Massachusetts Colony. The men were recruited in a tavern having a large hall. The only one of that description was Hezekiah Blanchard's, at the sign of the anchor, on the west side of Main street, about one hundred feet south of the bridge. Half of it was removed about fifty years ago, and made into a dwelling. It is still standing, and is numbered 133 and 135 Main street. We have record of only one business man of Medford who was a Tory. This was Joseph Thompson, brickmaker. He left town, and the Committee of Safety took charge of his house and lands, leasing them to trusted patriots, and thereby guarding his widowed mother against trouble from reckless young fellows who were inclined to damage Tory property. Colonel Royall, who had been a member of the Provincial Governor's Council, became panic-stricken when war seemed inevitable. The winter before he nearly made up his mind to stand for his country, but, overruled by his Tory relatives
mbridge, May 16, 1772Daughter of Abraham Frost. In family of Moses Tufts. Fuller, BenjaminLynn, May 7, 1764In house of Wm. Hall. Fury, SimonMarblehead, October, 1770In family of Ebenezer Hall, Jr. Gallop, SusannaBoston, Jan. 27, 1766Nov. 8, 1766In family of Thos. Patten. Gardner, JohnBoston, Jan. 13, 1763In family of Samuel Stocker. Gardner, Jonathan wife and childMaiden, Oct. 24, 1768Oct. 8, 1770Boarder in house of Timothy Newhall. Gary, SusannahStoneham, July 25, 1769In house of Jos. Thompson. Gates, Edmund TrowbridgeJan. 30, 1791 Gill, ElizabethMaiden, Oct. 18, 1769Oct. 8, 1770Young woman in family of Aaron Hall. Gill, PrudenceMaiden, Aug. 21, 1773In service to Stephen Hall. Gleason, JacobJan. 30, 1791 Gleason, WilliamAug. 31, 1797 Goddin, JonathanJan. 30, 1791 Goddin, ThomasLexington, Dec. 19, 1763Journeyman employed by Samuel Tilton. Goldsmith, Zaccheus  Mehitabel (wife)  IsaacIpswich, April 24, 1764Dec. 3, 1764Tenant of Col. Royall. Main street, 1835-1850.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7., Meeting-house brook and the second Meeting-house. (search)
o Rights in Narraganset Township26:13:4 ———— The whole amount of the real estate is£ 2910:10:10 Pursuant to your Honrs Comission to us directed we have proceeded to set off for the Widow of the deceased her Dower, viz:— The dwelling house & barn together with about one half acre of land adjoining the premisses boundd as followeth viz the land belonging to the house southerly on the country road leading to Medford Bridge westerly on Henry Fowls land easterly partly on Thos Secomb & Joseph Thompson northerly on Thos Secomb's land the land belonging to the barn as followeth westerly on land belonging to one Sheed northerly on the road aforesd easterly partly on Mr. Secomb & partly on John Waide and southerly on Medford River allso a house plat in Boston in the County of Suffolk near Beacon Hill & near Cambridge Street boundd southerly on land of Joseph Bradford there measuring ninety-one feet westerly on land of Deacon Isaiah Tay decd thirty-six feet and half northerly on land