Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 9, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Israel Thorndike or search for Israel Thorndike in all documents.

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nsul, and involving quite a large amount of property, was recently decided by the full bench of the Supreme Court of this State, at Boston. It appeared that Israel Thorndike, the older, by a codicil to his will, proved in 1832 gave to his son Andrew $10,000 one-haft of which waste be placed by his executors with the Massachusettsife Insurance Company so that Andrew Thorndike should receive the interest death the principal should be paid to his lawful heirs. Andrew died in 1854; and Israel Thorndike, the younger brother of Andrew, claimed that he, with his brothers and sisters, and the children of such of his brothers and sisters as have died, were the l as such entitled to receive the $20,000, with the accumulation since 1854, and he had accordingly commenced an action against the trustee, under the will of Israel Thorndike, the older, to recover his share of it. On the other hand, Katherine Thorndike, a German woman, and Andress and Anna. L. Thorndike, claimed to be entitled t