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poems in the renowned Blue and Gold series of Ticknor and Fields—an event in Boston, as Bliss Perryianism of New York.
For nine years he edited Ticknor and Fields's Every Saturday, while in the nexing objections.
His correspondence with Professor Ticknor of Harvard, lately returned from Europeastorians of education to have suggested to George Ticknor the idea of the departmental and of the ehad been taught or commented upon in America; Ticknor's classes in Dante did not begin until 1831.
(1785-1840), arrived, at a time when Everett, Ticknor, Cogswell, and Bancroft had all returned from the return of Edward Everett (1794-1865), George Ticknor (1791-1871), Joseph Green Cogswell (1786-1the Greek tour which for a while Cogswell and Ticknor had been planning to take with him, and becam
From Madame de Stael's De l'allemagne (1813) Ticknor had got an intimation of the intellectual mashe University of Virginia.
In April, 1815, Ticknor sailed for Liverpool with Edward Everett and [7 more...]
dences of several years in that territory, 139
Life in Hawaii, 155
Life in the open air and other papers, 68
Life in Utah, 143
Life, letters and journals (Ticknor), 456, 457
Life-Mask of Abraham Lincoln, the, 50
Life of Albert Gallatin, 199
Life of Charles the Bold, the, 188, 189
Life of Farragut, 196
Life (of Fre
Spanish cities with glimpses of Gibraltar and Tangier, 164
Spanish conquest of New Mexico, the, 132
Spanish idyls and legends, 53
Spanish literature (Ticknor), 468
Sparks, Jared, 173, 176, 178, 183
Spaulding, E. G., 264
Spaulding, Solomon, 520
Specimens (Joaquin Miller), 54
Spectator, the, 110
Speed, Joeye of the Needle, 83
Through the Grand Canyon from Wyoming to Mexico, 158
Through the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 158
Thwaites, R. G., 165, 174
Ticknor, George, 36, 306, 307, 397, 447, 450, 451, 452-59, 468, 544
Tieck, Ludwig, 455
Tilden, Samuel J., 348
Times (Chicago), 322
Times (London), 568
Times (N.