Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the
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l B.
Hofman, C. H.
Jelks, William A.
Jameson, W. A.
Johnson, R. H.
Jones, R. E.
Jordan, Orris F.
Kenney, Robert
Kevan, William C.
Kinsey, Levi A.
Kull, Mark E.
Lacy, William P.
Lee, E. B.
Lilly, William E.
Lipscomb, Hersey
Lufsy, H. Lewis
Lyon, Daniel
Robertson, J. T. R.
Roberts, John P.
Ruffin, Theo.
Sandford, Paul W.
Simmons, N. B.
Smith, Joseph A.
Smith, W. C.
Smith, Robert L.
Snead, John W.
Summerville, J. B.
Spottswood, Jos. E.
Steel, Alexander
Stone, Jordan
Stywalt, Hiram
Styles, Waverly R.
Tally, George A.
Talley, Peyton
Taliaferro, J. B.
Taylor, George A.
Tatum, L.
Tomlin, C. B.
Topham, J. H.
Totty, William G.
Vaughan, Lycurgus
Waller, Thomas J.
Webb, Robert T.
White, George R.
Wells, Robert M.
Wills, O. L.
Williams, Wm. J.
Weeks, E.
The names in italic type indicate those who were present and surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.