Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 7, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Tomlin or search for Tomlin in all documents.

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2 o'clock, the joint order of the day (the election of State officers) was taken up, and the Senate notified of their readiness to proceed to the election. Mr. Tomlin moved that the House go first into an election for Superintendent of the Penitentiary. Adopted. Mr. Tomlin inquired whether the Committee to examine into thMr. Tomlin inquired whether the Committee to examine into the bonds of candidates, &c., had yet reported, and being answered by the Clerk in the negative, moved a postponement of the election until Thursday, March 20th. Adopted. Mr. Carpenter offered a bill on authorizing County Courts of Alleghany county to impose a tax upon dogs. Mr. James moved to amend the bill by extending ingthy debate, which being finally terminated by a demand for the previous question, it was tabled, upon motion of Mr. Rivers, by a test vote — ayes 55, noes 34--Mr. Tomlin vigorously opposing the motion. By Mr. Woodson--Inquiring into the expediency of exempting from military duty all persons who have furnished substitutes, e