Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2. You can also browse the collection for Samuel Train or search for Samuel Train in all documents.

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t, Cyrus, Dighton. Talbot, Dr. Chas., Dighton. Talmadge, Henry, Williamstown. Tappan, John, Boston. Tappan, Chas., Brookline. Taylor, W. O., Boston. Taylor, Mrs. E. B., Quincy. Taylor, Rev. John L., Andover. Taylor, Edward, Andover. Temple, Mark M., Reading. Thayer, Wm. Sidney, Milton. Thorndike, James P., Braintree. Thorpe, Lewis, Athol. Thorpe, Walter, Athol. Titcomb, W. W., Boston. Tower, L. L., Cambridge. Towne, Ebenezer B., Raynham. Train, Samuel, Medford. True, Jackson Wm., Andover. Tuckerman, Robert, New Bedford. Tufts, Amos, Charlestown. Turner, Edw., Quincy. Tweedy, John H., Jr., Boston. Tweedy, James F., Boston. Upham, James H., Dorchester. Varnum, A. O., Dracut. Varnum, Daniel, Dracut. Wales. Atherton, Randolph. Wales, Mrs. T. C., Boston. Wales, Thos. C., Boston. Walker, Wm. L., Braintree. Walley, Stephen, Williamstown. Ward, David F., Athol. Ward, Edward Everett, Boston. W
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, Index of names of persons. (search)
Tower, M. F., 362, 727 Tower, Z. B., 197, 449, 561 Towle, D. G., 481 Towle, G. F., 727 Towle, S. K., 390 Town, F. E., 449, 481 Towne, E. B., 584 Towne, F. W., 144 Townsend, A. H., 362 Townsend, E. D., 198, 449, 561, 727 Townsend, G. M., 362 Townsend, J. P., 362 Tracy, G. H., 449, 561 Tracy, Henry, 362 Tracy, T. G., 449, 481 Trafton, J. W., 362 Train, C. J., 162 Train, C. R., 449 Train, H. D., 49th Mass. Inf., 362 Train, H. D., 31st Mass. Inf., 390 Train, S. F., 144 Train, Samuel, 584 Trask, B. P., 144 Trask, L. P., 362 Traver, Lorenzo, 144 Traver, S. C., 362 Travis, C. B., 574 Treadwell, J. B., 390 Treanor, B. S., 9th Mass. Inf., 362 Treanor, B. S., U. S. Vols., 449 Treanor, John, 362 Tremaine, A. F., 231, 362, 561 Tremaine, W. S., 390, 449, 496 Tremlett, H. M., 231, 561 Trick, James, 144 Tripp, A. W., 144 Tripp, C. M., 363 Tripp, G. L., 363 Tripp, L. C., 144 Tripp, P. D., 231 Tripp, W. D., 363 Trott, Alexander, 363 Trott, C. H., 449, 481 T