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, lately occupied by Joseph K. Manning (No. 37). The last two deaths were not by drowning. A tragic accident which excited much sympathy in Medford was the death by drowning at Sheffield, Mass., of Gertrude and Mary Lemist, August, 1859. They were children of Mr. and Mrs. George Lemist, whose first years of married life were spent in this town, Her father built for her the house later the home of General Lawrence. where they were very well known, Mrs. Lemist being a daughter of Deacon Samuel Train. The family was, at that time, living in New York, and the young girls had been spending the summer months with their uncle, Dr. H. D. Train. With a companion of their own age, who was also drowned, they were bathing in the Housatonic river. It was supposed that Mary, the elder, was on the bank when she heard the cry of the others struggling in the water, and was drawn in when she tried to save her sister. The bodies were brought to Medford and funeral services were held at thei