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f Dumont and Fry were soon reliever, and Palmer transferred to the Left Wing, of which Maj.-Gen. T. L. Crittenden had command, and which consisted of the sub-divisions of Brig.-Gens. T. J. Wood, II. P. Van Cleve, and W. S. Smith. Rosecrans assigned the chief command of his dilapidated cavalry to Maj.-Gen. D. S. Stanley ; while Lt.-Col. Julius P. Garesche--an officer of rare capacity and merit — was placed at tile head of his staff, with Capt. J. St. Clair Morton as Chief Engineer, and Col. Wm. Truesdail as Chief of Army Police. The railroad having been rendered serviceable, Rosecrans left Nov. 10. Bowling Green by special train for Mitchellsville; where he took horse and proceeded to Nashville, whose garrison, commanded by Gen. Negley, he reviewed next day. His divisions, as they arrived, were thrown out in front of the city, covering the roads leading southward ; the command of the Right here devolving on Gen. Jeff: C. Davis; Gen. R. B. Mitchell relieved Negley as commandant at
ted two counterfeiters, making a great haul of counterfeit St. Louis city treasury warrants and gold dollars, both of which were well executed. Accompanying Colonel Truesdail's police force to Louisville, they there played the rebel, and hunted out Palmer and Estes, who burned the ammunition steamers at Columbus and were afterwardy demonstrated her good will by presenting Moore with a fine pair of pants and other clothing and a pair of new boots. In return for these acts of kindness, Colonel Truesdail sent her the following letter of thanks :-- Office Chief Army Police, January 10, 1863. Miss Hamilton, High Street: Dear Miss : Please accept my gratefu of your persevering energy as a spy and smuggler. I shall endeavor to profit by it, and may have occasion to send another officer to you. Respectfully, William Truesdail, Chief Army Police. After this they accompanied a cavalry police expedition for the purpose of capturing Captains Young and Scruggs--the leaders of a ba
y root. This was done; but in what manner we need not specially state. Satisfied that it would do to trust the spy, to a certain extent at least, he was now sent on his way to perform his mission for Bragg. At all events, that scheming general so supposed when our man's report was made at the rebel headquarters a few days afterward. His information was very acceptable to Bragg; but we strongly question its value to rebeldom, as the spy reported only what he was told by that old fox Colonel Truesdail. Perhaps the reader will inquire, how can we answer for the report thus made to Bragg? it may have been more true and valuable than we supposed. Well, there is force in the query. We are fallen upon strange times, when honesty, virtue, and patriotism are at heavy discount in rebeldom, and the Indian's idea of the uncertainty of white men is by no means a myth. However, we were then quite confident of the worthlessness of the report of our spy to Bragg, because he had nothing el
e could serve the Government to better advantage in the business with which he was so familiar, made application to Colonel Truesdail for employment as a scout and spy. The colonel, pleased with his appearance and conversation, at once made an engag — which was the main object of the expedition. General Rosecrans had now been in Murfreesboro several days, and Colonel Truesdail immediately on his arrival sent the scout to that place. Here he made a full report, and, having received instructhe Union authorities, in filling General Wheeler's order, and charged with such information as General Mitchell and Colonel Truesdail saw fit to impart, he took another trip to the rebel lines. Wheeler was at this time at Franklin, quartered in then, a man of wealth, who professed to be a Union man, but had long been considered suspicious. The Chief of Police, Colonel Truesdail, desired him now to spend some time in Nashville in developing the case of Dr. Hudson, but he deemed it necessary f
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion, Pauline Cushman, the celebrated Union spy and scout of the Army of the Cumberland. (search)
eatre was a short one; for, on her return from rehearsal one day, she found a summons from Colonel Truesdail, the chief of the army police of Nashville. On entering his office, she was received by h! At these words she involuntarily shrank back, but yet she answered in a firm tone: Colonel Truesdail, hundreds, aye, thousands of our noble soldiers, each one of greater service to our countrning. He informed her that her trunks which she had left at Nashville, had been seized by Colonel Truesdail, whereupon she made a great show of pretended indignation, declaring that she would go to sent, answered Pauline, proudly. By whom, may I ask, Miss Cushman? By the Federal Colonel, Truesdail. And why were you sent? inquired Bragg, with a sly look of incredulity. Because I gave, and went to Nashville, where I got a fresh engagement, only to be sent away in turn; for Colonel Truesdail, the chief of the Federal army police, getting wind of my Southern sentiments, and hearing
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion, Keller or Killdare, one of the scouts of the Army of the Cumberland. (search)
and you carry letters from the South, and at the dead hour of night you carry these letters to Truesdail's office. We lost a very valuable man on Monday while attempting to arrest you at your houseo the men, who, in reply, said, we have orders to arrest him as a spy, for carrying letters to Truesdail's headquarters. They then turned back to South Harper creek, and took me up the creek about oold acquaintances, and for some time maintained a friendly conversation in the presence of Colonel Truesdail. The visitor, whose name was Stewart, having taken his leave, Brien remarked to the Colon him? said the colonel. Very well. He talks right. The result was that Stewart and Colonel Truesdail soon afterward had a private conversation in reference to the matter. Stewart stated thatin the country some fourteen miles, and had told the neighbors that Killdare had gone south in Truesdail's employ. He told the same thing to two guerrillas whom he met, and even taunted Killdare's c