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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 4 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Pennsylvania, (search)
of these in Pennsylvania were Joseph Galloway, who had been a member of the first Continental Congress, and Andrew Allen, also a member of that Congress, and two of his brothers. The brothers Howe having issued a new proclamation of pardon and amnesty to all who should within sixty days promise not to take up arms against the King, these men availed themselves of it, not doubting their speedy restoration to their former fortunes and political importance. They went over to Howe; so did Samuel Tucker, a leader in the movements against British oppression in New Jersey, and a host of Jerseymen, who signed a pledge of fidelity to the British crown. Even John Dickinson, whose fidelity as a patriot may not be questioned, was so thoroughly convinced of the folly of the Declaration of Independence and the probability of a return to the British fold that he discredited the Continental bills of credit, and refused to accept an appointment from Delaware as a delegate in Congress. The State o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tucker, Samuel 1747-1833 (search)
Tucker, Samuel 1747-1833 Naval officer; born in Marblehead, Mass., Nov. 1, 1747; was a captain in the merchant service, sailing between Boston and London, before the Revolution. In March, 1777, he was commissioned a captain in the Continental navy, and, in command of the Boston, he took John Adams to France as American minister in February, 1778. During 1779 he took many prizes. In 1780 he helped in the defence of Charleston; was made prisoner; and was released in June, 1781, when he took command of the Thorne, and made many prizes, receiving, at the close of the war, the thanks of Congress. He settled in Bristol, Me., in 1792; and during the War of 1812 he captured, by a trick, a British vessel which had greatly annoyed the shipping in that vicinity. He was several times in the legislatures of Maine and Massachusetts. He died in Bremen, Me., March 10, 1833.