Browsing named entities in HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks). You can also browse the collection for Jonathan Tufts or search for Jonathan Tufts in all documents.

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ly on Malden. The bounds designated in the petition of March 6, 1738, are as follows: The southerly tract lying in Charlestown bounded northerly with the (river) . . . westerly with the westerly bounds of Mr. Smith's, Mr. Joseph Tufts' and Mr. Jonathan Tufts' farms, and then running from the southerly corner of Mr. Jonathan Tufts' farm, eastward straight to the westerly corner of Col. Royal's farm; again westerly with the westerly bounds of Col. Royal's farm; again southerly with its southerly Mr. Jonathan Tufts' farm, eastward straight to the westerly corner of Col. Royal's farm; again westerly with the westerly bounds of Col. Royal's farm; again southerly with its southerly bounds, and then running from the south-easterly corner thereof eastward straight to Medford River. The action of the Legislature is thus recorded: April 18, 1754. John Quincy, Esq., brought down the petition of the town of Medford, as entered the 17th December last, with a report of a Committee of both houses. Signed — Jos. Pynchon. Passed in Council; viz.: In Council, April 17th, 1754. Read and accepted, with the amendment at A; and ordered, That the lands within mentioned, together
. Stephen Willis1680. Thomas Willis1680. John Hall1680. Gersham Swan1684. Joseph Angier1684. John Bradshaw1685. Stephen Francis1685. Peter Tufts1686. Jonathan Tufts1690. John Tufts1690. Simon Bradstreet1695. The following owned lands in Medford before 1680:-- William Dady.Increase Nowell. Rob. Broadick.Zachary Including the cow-commons, about835 acres. During this time, they sold as follows:-- 1680, Jan. 30.To S. Grove, in Malden20 acres. 1691, Feb. 22.To Jonathan Tufts, brick-yards39 acres. 1697, Jan. 10.To Jonathan Wade, in Medford12 1/2 acres. Mr. Peter Tufts, born in England, 1617, was the father of the Tufts familye town. It was very low, narrow, and slender at first, and received frequent repairs. April 27, 1716, put to vote whether Dea. Thomas Willis, John Whitmore, Jonathan Tufts, Ebenezer Brooks, and John Willis, shall view and consider what method may be most proper for the repairing of Gravelly Bridge, and what may be the cost there
. Smith's farm, southerly with the southerly bounds of Mr. Smith's, Mr. James Tufts's, and Mr. Jonathan Tufts's farms, and then running from the south-easterly corner of said Jonathan Tufts's farm easor Medford. Caleb Brooks, Benjamin Parker, Benjamin Teal, James Tufts, Ebenezer Marrow, Jonathan Tufts, John Jenks, Robert Crane, John Degrushy. This petition was granted April 17, 1754. Mthaniel Wade1685. John Hall1689. Nathaniel Wade1690. John Hall1693. Nathaniel Wade1694. Jonathan Tufts1695. Nathaniel Wade1696. Peter Tufts1698. Nathaniel Wade1699. Peter Tufts1700. Nathanierooks1710. John Bradshaw1711. John Whitmore1712. Thomas Willis1713. Stephen Willis1714. Jonathan Tufts1715. Samuel Wade1717. Thomas Tufts1718. John Bradshaw1719. Jonathan Tufts1721. John BraJonathan Tufts1721. John Bradshaw1722. Thomas Tufts1723. Ebenezer Brooks1724. John Bradshaw1725. Ebenezer Brooks1726. Stephen Hall1730. Thomas Hall1732. John Hall1733. Stephen Hall1734. John Willis1736. John Hall1737.
n, James Tufts, jun., Samuel Tufts, 3d, Andrew Floyd, Benjamin Floyd, Andrew Blanchard, Samuel Tufts, John Francis, jun., Paul Dexter, John Smith, Abel Butterfield, Josiah Cutter, John Kemp, Eleazer Putnam, James Bucknam, jun., Aaron Crowell, Jonathan Tufts, Benjamin Peirce, Thomas Wakefield, Jonathan Teel, Aaron Blanchard, Richard Cole, William Binford, Thomas Bradshaw, Daniel Tufts, Peter Tufts, jun., Ebenezer Tufts, Isaac Cooch, Daniel Conery, Richard Paine, William Polly, Peter Conery, Davidor the war of 1812, and shed its blood in sustaining the national cause. The following are the names of those who volunteered enlistment: John Gates, Zachariah Shed, Edmund Gates, Amos Hadley, Thomas Cutter, Jacob Waite, Samuel F. Jordan, Jonathan Tufts, jun., Randolph Richardson, Rehoboam Richardson, Miles Wilson, Joseph Peirce, John Lee, John Weatherspoon, John McClough, Stephen D. Bugsby, Robert Hall, Benjamin Symmes. The first on the list still lives; the others are dead. Edmund Gates w
, of Watertown, says Winthrop, wrote a book against it, wherein, besides his arguments, which were naught, he cast reproach on the elders and officers. He was fined ten pounds, and one of the publishers forty shillings. Not successful in settling a minister, the town hired Mr. Benjamin Woodbridge, of Charlestown, to preach for six months; and, as his engagements in Charlestown did not allow him to reside in Medford, the town passed the following vote, Dec. 5, 1698:-- Voted that Cotton Tufts be chosen and appointed to agree with Mr. Joseph Squire for his horse for Mr. Woodbridge, riding from Charleston to Medford every Saturday, and from Medford to Charlestown every Monday; allowing said Squire two shillings per journey for said horse, going and coming, well-shod for said journey. Mr. Woodbridge also to ride said Squire's horse to meeting on the sabbath-days when there shall be occasion. As the history of this gentleman's ministerial connection with the town of Medford will
ant work, with full power to act therein, were Caleb Brooks and Thomas Willis, to be joined by the Selectmen, Joseph Hall and John Tufts. Owing to some obstacles, the house was not built at the time first specified; and the next movement towards it we find in a vote passed Sept. 13, 1695. At this time a subscription was opened, and one pound was subscribed by the following persons: Thomas Willis, Caleb Brooks, Stephen Francis, Stephen Willis, John Francis, John Whitmore, John Bradshoe, Jonathan Tufts, John Hall, jun., Nathaniel Hall, Stephen Hall, sen., John Willis, Stephen Hall, Percival Hall, Ebenezer Brooks. Twelve shillings were subscribed by Eleazer Wier and Nathaniel Waite, and six shillings by Samuel Brooks. At this meeting, the town voted, unanimously, that every person who refused to subscribe should pay twelve pence per head, and one penny on the pound, towards the building of the meeting-house. September 23, 1695, it was voted to give sixty pounds for the erection and
is0110 John Whitmore017 Gershom Swan015 Isaac Fox0011 John Bradshor008 Jonathan Tufts0010 Daniel Woodward008 Andrew Mitchell008 Roger Scott007 Edward Walker0Thomas Willis0176 Nathaniel Hall054 John Francis0126 John Hall, jun.086 Jonathan Tufts01910 Stephen Willis, jun.068 Stephen Hall, sen.066 Serg. Stephen Willis1000016 James Tufts000090000 Stephen Hall000023000 John Albery0100000000 Jonathan Tufts11011461123 Ensign John Bradshoe100019101310 Thomas Hall010001060411 Mr. 5 Jonathan Watsen060049004 Thomas Dill030000000 Jonathan Polly030024004 Jonathan Tufts030000000 Stephen Patten030000000 Eliot Patten030000000 William Hall030000031 Caleb Brooks030013000 Matthew Ellis000034058 Abner Harris000036005 Jonathan Tufts000039000 James Wright0000011000 James Tufts0000310000 Joseph Wright00000s. Hutchinson Tufts. Peter Tufts. Isaac Tufts. Daniel Tufts. Jonathan Tufts. Ebenezer Tufts. James Tufts. Gershom Teal. Watts Turner. Hu
so had six hundred acres in Quabog, or Brookfield. 1-3Jonathan Tufts was of Medford. Will dated Aug. 4, 1718. He d. in 17ah, b. June 1, 1765.  312Ruth, b. Dec. 30, 1766.  313Jonathan Tufts m. Elizabeth----, and had--  313-314Jonathan, b. May ther Tufts, m. Hezekiah Blanchard, jun. Jan. 13, 1785.Jonathan Tufts, m. Deborah Bucknam. June 12, 1785.Francis Tufts, m. es Tufts, of Charlestown, m. Mary Dill. Nov. 18, 1741.Jonathan Tufts, of Charlestown, m. Sarah Tompson. Nov. 12, 1743.Benjnnah Johnson, of Woburn. Oct. 1, 1765.Sarah, widow of Jonathan Tufts, d. June 20, 1788.Mrs. Lydia Tufts, d. Dec. 6, 1788.ts, d. June 12, 1784.Nathan Tufts, d. Sept. 26, 1784.Jonathan Tufts, d. Nov. 5, 1786.James Tufts, d. Sept. 10, 1787.EleaJohn and Sarah Tufts, d. aged 9 months. Jan. 24, 1750.Jonathan Tufts, d. aged 60 years. Sept. 26, 1784.Jonathan Tufts, d. Jonathan Tufts, d. aged 45. Dec. 6, 1778.Joseph Tufts, d. aged 47. Dec. 21, 1758.Joseph Tufts, d. aged 54. Dec. 23, 1753.Lydia, wife of Jame