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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
Willis were chosen, and two more, Deacon Whitmore and Jonathan Tufts, were afterward added, making this first school commitney granted to be equaly Devided between each school. Jonathan Tufts, Peter Secomb, John Willis were appointed a committee n Dixwell, quoted in Brooks' History of Medford, he says: Dr. Tufts observed the anxiety of the mother to elevate her son to holastic studies, etc., that he secured the friendship of Dr. Tufts, who took him into his family at the age of fourteen to eSamuel Angier1748From Cambridge, d. 1775 17511 monthCotton Tufts1749b. 1732 Medford. 1751Aug.-June, '52John Wiswall1749From1734, appointing Benjamin Parker, Lieut. John Francis, andβ€”β€”Tufts a Committee to take care to get the ground about the meetinniel Prentiss1787from Charlestown 1789Mch.-Sept. β€˜89Cotton Tufts1789Medford, b. 1771, d. 1835 1789Oct.-Dec. β€˜90Nathaniel Thearance on the books of the selectmen: Eliza Francis, Sally Tufts, Prudence Foster, Mrs. Johnson (?), Mrs. Benj. Pratt, Rebe