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River just above the Bridge, bounded as follows:—westerly by land formerly Jonathan Tufts' now Brigadier Royall's, 10 1/2 rods: northerly on said Tufts' land next thTufts' land next the marsh 7 rods: from whence a two pole way running down to the River, butting easterly on the Country road 5 1/2 rods: and southerly upon the way that leads to the Fe on Medford River, which is bounded as follows, viz:—on land formerly of Mr. Jonathan Tufts, now Brigadier Royalls, measuring from the road at the east end back to tes, thirty-six feet long and eighteen feet wide, two rooms upon a floor. (Mr. Jonathan Tufts, who then owned the land now occupied by Messrs. Symmes, Crowley, and Pagidge, the gravel pit so called, bounded, westerly on land in possession of Jonathan Tufts 10 1/2 rods; northerly on said Tufts' land next to the Marsh 7 rods, togethTufts' land next to the Marsh 7 rods, together with a two pole way leading down to the River above the upper side of the Bridge: easterly on the County road 10 1/2 rods: southerly upon the way that leads to th