Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 8, April, 1909 - January, 1910. You can also browse the collection for Nathan Tufts or search for Nathan Tufts in all documents.

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d a tub hand engine, Mystic No. 6, to duty in Charlestown's big back yard. In August the selectmen appointed the foremen and engineers, and among them we find the names of David A. Sanborn, William Bonner, Daniel Stone, Robert Vinal, and Robert Sanborn. The salary of the firemen, all volunteers, was $1.50 per annum, paid by abatement of the poll-tax. In 1840 Robert A. Vinal was clerk and treasurer. In 1849 a Hanneman tub was purchased by the town, and the department was organized with Nathan Tufts as its first chief engineer. He was followed by Abram Welch, Robert A. Vinal, and John Runey. A small bell was hung in the cupola of the engine house. For years, even after the Somerville company was organized, an alarm of fire could be rung only by means of this bell. For years, also, according to a law then in force, every man in town was required to hang two buckets, usually of leather and painted, in his front hall, and when an alarm of fire was sounded it was his duty to seize
ependence), in Boston Harbor. A detachment of troops also visited Cambridge, and carried off two field pieces which they found there. The news of the seizure of the powder spread with great rapidity, and on the following morning thousands of armed men from the surrounding towns assembled on Cambridge Common, ready to oppose the forces of the king. The Powder House was used for storing powder until the erection of a new magazine at Cambridgeport. In 1836 it came into the possession of Nathan Tufts, in whose family it remained until May 28, 1892, at which time it was presented to the city, together with one and one-half acres of surrounding land, to which three acres more were added by purchase. One of the conditions under which the gift was made was that the Powder House be kept perpetually in repair, and that the land surrounding it be made into a public park and forever maintained as such, to be called the Nathan Tufts Park. The conditions have been fully carried out by the cit
45. Teel, Samuel P., 43. Teel, Thomas E., 46. Ten Hills Farm, 50, 51. Texas, 81. Townsend, Mass., 2, 3, 4. Townsend, Vt., 25. Trumpet, The, 55. Tucker, Abigail (Newell), 55. Tucker, Sibil (Laurence), 55. Tucker, Captain, Stephen, 55. Tucker, Stephen, Jr., 55, 56. Tucker, Zenora, 55. Tufts, Ann Adams, 5. Tufts, Benjamin, 5. Tufts, Charles, 17, 62, 63. Tufts College, 15, 17, 73. Tufts, Elizabeth Perry, 6. Tufts, John, 5. Tufts, Mary, 6. Tufts, Mary Pierce, 6. Tufts, Nathan, 14, 51. Tufts, Nathaniel, 6. Tufts, Peter, 5, 6. Tufts, Captain, Peter, 6. Tufts, Samuel, 7. Tufts, Timothy, 7. Turner, Rev., Edward, 43. Turner, Captain, William, 53. Tyler, Mary E., 26, 30, 31. Tyler, Columbus, 25, 27. Underwood, James, 42, 48. Union Flag Unfurled, 52. Union Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, 82. Union, Rock County, Wis., 82. Union Square, 7, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 74. Union Square Before the War, 62. Union Square and Its Neighborhood About the Year 18