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he minister's pew, owned by the town. The pews in the meeting-house were chosen according to the vote of the town and the tenor of subscription, Feb. 8, 1770, as follows :-- Thomas Brooks, jun.No. 1 John Bishop2 Stephen Hall3 Aaron Hall4 Ebenezer Hall5 John Wade6 Samuel Hall7 Watts Turner8 William Tufts, 3d9 William Tufts10 Simon Bradshaw11 Samuel Angier12 Francis Burns13 Zachary Pool14 Jonathan Patten15 E. Hall16 Nathan Tufts17 Samuel Tufts, 2d18 Benjamin Teal19 Timothy Tufts20 Henry Fowle21 James Tufts22 Richard Hall23 Isaac Hall24 Thomas Seccombe25 Benjamin Hall26 Minister's Pew27 Isaac Royal28 Timothy Newhall29 Peter Jones30 Nathan Tufts, jun.31 Timothy Hall32 Hezekiah Blanchard33 Thomas Patten34 Joseph Thompson35 Henry Putnam36 Seth Blodget37 Willis Hall38 Jacob Hall39 John Leathe40 Samuel Jenks41 Andrew Hall42 Isaac Warren43 Isaac Greenleaf44 Samuel Kidder45 Simon Tufts46 Ebenezer Blanchard47 Edward Brooks48 It is special
oseph, m. Abigail Tufts.  111Thomas, m. Rebecca Adams.  112Elizabeth, m. Daniel Swan.  113Lucy, m. Jacob Osgood.  114Rebecca, m. Nathan Adams.  115Lydia, m. Rev. R. Gray, of Dover, N. H., Mar. 22, 1787.  116Sarah, m. Joseph Adams. 38-68TIMOTHY Tufts m. Anna----, and had--  68-117Timothy.  118Abijah, b. Apr. 17, 1766; grad. H. C., 1815; moved to Virginia.  119Anna, b. May 26, 1768; m. Mr. Dixon.  120Isaac.  121Joseph, m. Miss----Twiss. 38-69Samuel Tufts m. Martha Adams, May 11, 176-111Thomas Tufts m. Rebecca Adams, and had--  111-182Thomas, d. 1816, aged c. 24.  183Rebecca, d. aged c. 30.  184Marshall, graduate H. C. 1827.  185Eveline, m. Mr. Rochester, of Ohio.  186Lucy Ann, m. Dr. Proctor, of Castine, Me. 68-117TIMOTHY Tufts m., 1st, Mary Goddard; 2d, Mehitable Flagg; and had--  117-187Timothy, b. 1786; m. Susan Cutter.  188Artemas, d. unm.  189Mary, m. Milzar Torrey, and d. 1853.   And by his second wife,--  190Jonas, lives in Charlestown, N.
ere he kept a tavern, and d. there in October 1802, a. 89. 5. Joseph, s. of Joseph (3), m. Martha, dau. of Ephraim Frost, 10 Jan. 1739-40; she d. 23 Dec. 1749, and he m. Hannah Hall 11 Sept. 1750. His chil. were Anna, b. 14 Dec. 1740, m. Timothy Tufts of Medf. 7 May, 1761, and d. 8 Oct. 1825; Joseph, b. 29 Nov. 1743, m. Lucy Kent 6 Sept. 1770; Martha, b. 25 Sept. 1746, m. Samuel Locke, Jr., 16 May 1771; Thomas, b. 19 July 1751, m. Martha Stone 28 May 1780, rem. to New Salem, where he d. 2. 6 Nov. 1748; Jonathan, bap. 19 Aug. 1750; Mercy, bap. 15 Oct. 1752; these four prob. d. young; Hepzibah, bap. 14 Mar. 1756, m. Thomas Goddard 11 Dec. 1777; Samuel, bap. 21 May 1758; Beulah, b. prob. 1760, named in settlement of estate, m. Timothy Tufts 9 May 1784. Daniel the f. was styled yeoman, inherited the homestead (Botanic Garden and adjoining lands, four and a half acres), and d. about 1776. His w. Deborah and s. Daniel were administrators 4 Mar. 1776. The estate was divided 11 Ma
frey, N. H.; Lucretia, b. 2 Aug. 1757, m. Ethan Wetherbee 31 Dec. 1775; Ebenezer-Thomas, b. 10 Jan. 1762, m. Polly Goodwin of Charlestown 20 June 1784. Thomas the f. was a captain, resided a few years at Worc., but returned to Menot. about 1748, where he kept a tavern, and d. there in October 1802, a. 89. 5. Joseph, s. of Joseph (3), m. Martha, dau. of Ephraim Frost, 10 Jan. 1739-40; she d. 23 Dec. 1749, and he m. Hannah Hall 11 Sept. 1750. His chil. were Anna, b. 14 Dec. 1740, m. Timothy Tufts of Medf. 7 May, 1761, and d. 8 Oct. 1825; Joseph, b. 29 Nov. 1743, m. Lucy Kent 6 Sept. 1770; Martha, b. 25 Sept. 1746, m. Samuel Locke, Jr., 16 May 1771; Thomas, b. 19 July 1751, m. Martha Stone 28 May 1780, rem. to New Salem, where he d. 27 June 1848, a. nearly 97; his w. Martha d. 22 Jan. 1847, a. 96; Rebecca, b. 16 Aug. 1753, d. unm. 19 May 1834; Hannah, b. 12 April 1756, m. Peter Tufts, 3d, of Medf. 22 July 1773, and d. 24 Jan. 1843; Susanna, b. 26 June 1758, m. Gershom Teele of
esided in Menot. and d. 30 Aug. 1790, a. 78; his w. Sarah d. 10 Nov. 1772. 19. Daniel, s. of Solomon (9), m. Deborah Wyeth 29 Dec. 1743, and had Daniel, bap. 30 Dec. 1744, a housewright, was of Harvard 1796; Sarah, bap. 14 Sept. 1746; Sarah, bap. 6 Nov. 1748; Jonathan, bap. 19 Aug. 1750; Mercy, bap. 15 Oct. 1752; these four prob. d. young; Hepzibah, bap. 14 Mar. 1756, m. Thomas Goddard 11 Dec. 1777; Samuel, bap. 21 May 1758; Beulah, b. prob. 1760, named in settlement of estate, m. Timothy Tufts 9 May 1784. Daniel the f. was styled yeoman, inherited the homestead (Botanic Garden and adjoining lands, four and a half acres), and d. about 1776. His w. Deborah and s. Daniel were administrators 4 Mar. 1776. The estate was divided 11 Mar. 1777, between w. Deborah and chil. Daniel, Samuel, Hepzibah, and Beulah. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas (10), grad. H. C. 1726, minister at Arundel 1730, and installed at Charlestown 31 Oct. 1739. He m. Irene, dau. of Rev. Mr. Emery of Wells; she
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Charlestown schools within the peninsula Revolutionary period (search)
6s. From time to time the town clerk serves up for us items of repairs, as, February 5, 1781, to John Turner, £ 30 for work at the schoolhouse. October 17, 1782, the town warrant calls for a new school building, but it does not seem to materialize. Instead, John Edmands is hired to work on the old house, and gets his pay February 3, 1783. Later that month it is proposed to remove the meeting-house from the hill and set it somewhere for a school building. Isaac Mallet, Peter Tufts, Timothy Tufts, David Wood, Jr., and Eliphalet Newell are made a committee to select a site, and it is decided where the old schoolhouse stood is the most suitable place to put the present Meeting-house on. It is voted to move it. September 1, 1783, Mr. Mallet and Mr. Hays are a committee to see what repairs are necessary for the schoolhouse. The next January Deacon Frothingham receives thirty-six shillings for building the school chimney. October 25, 1784, the selectmen are given power to cut off
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Gregory Stone and some of his descendants (search)
still further with their marriages, for Anna became the wife of Timothy Tufts, another brother of Peter, Jr., and Hannah married Peter Tufts,e men, who in turn acted in the capacity of local committeeman, Timothy Tufts, Samuel Tufts, and Nathaniel Hawkins. Some time before 1776 wetituents in consequence of such authority. October 10, 1776, Timothy Tufts is first mentioned, when he received for the school under his ccommittee to regulate all the schools, and the following December Mr. Tufts, as one of this body, received for his school the enormous sum of £ 1,771 2s 6d. In 1782 Mr. Tufts, selectman, was empowered to disburse for the Milk Row school £ 35 5s. And thus it was, with varying amount for repairs at the schoolhouse. February 24, 1785, to allow Timothy Tufts, Esq., order for repairs of schoolhouse, £ 5 3s. February 7, 1791, Timothy Tufts, Esq., bill for repairing school without the Neck, 7s. July 3, 1792, Joseph Adams' bill for repairing school No. 2, £
Index Abbie, Aunt (Tufts), 41. Abbott, Mrs., Hull, 45. Abbott, Rev. Mr., Hull, 45. Adams, Anna, 89. Adams, Anne, 89. Adams, Charles, 40. Adams, Chester, 22. Adams, Hannah, 89. Adams, Harriet A., 22. Adams, President, John, 18. Adams, Joseph, 22, 40, 69, 89, 92, 93. Adams, Martha, 92. Adams, Mary, 89. Adams, Nativer, 38. Tufts. Peter, 16, 66, 88, 89, 92. Tufts, Peter, Jr., 69, 89. Tufts, Rebecca, 89. Tufts, Samuel, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93. Tufts, Dr., Simon, 18. Tufts, Timothy, 66, 89, 90, 91, 92. Tufts, Timothy, Esq., 93. Tufts, W., 89. Tufts, Widow, 24. Tufts, William, 42. Turner, John, 66. Turnpike, .Medford, 22. UnderwTufts, Timothy, Esq., 93. Tufts, W., 89. Tufts, Widow, 24. Tufts, William, 42. Turner, John, 66. Turnpike, .Medford, 22. Underwood, Joseph, 11. Unitarian Church, 40. Ursuline Convent, 22. Usher, Governor, 19, 31. Vane, Sir, Henry, 33. Vassall, William, 28. Venus, 88. Vermont, 56. Vinal, Anna Parker, 71. Vinal, Josephine, 71. Vinal, Leonora, 71. Vinal, Leslie T., 71. Vinal, Lydia (Stone), 70. Vinal, Martha Adams, 71. Vinal, Mary Lowell,
Historic leaves, volume 4, April, 1905 - January, 1906, Charlestown schools without the Peninsula Revolutionary period. (search)
sell (same amounts). May, 1771, and May, 1772, Peter Tufts, Jr., John Lamson, Lieutenant Samuel Cutter (same amounts). May, 1773, ‘74, ‘75. The selectmen, a committee for the schools within and without the Neck. 1776, ‘77, John Hay, Timothy Tufts, Walter Russell, Samuel Gardner; £ 60 (for all the schools). May 11, 1778, Caleb Call, Samuel Tufts, Samuel Gardner, Philemon Russell; £ 140 (for all the schools). May 20, 1779, Samuel Tufts, Samuel Gardner, Amos Warren; £ 500 (for all l Cutter a committee for the schools. Voted that Hon. Nathaniel Gorham be a committee to raise £ 100 for the support of the schools. May 6, 1782. The selectmen and Edward Gardner; £ 120 (for all the schools). May 12, 1783 (outside), Timothy Tufts, Philemon Russell, Amos Warren; £ 125 (for all schools). May 10, 1784, the selectmen (same amount). May 4, 1785, the selectmen; £ 180 (for all schools). May 15, 1786, the selectmen and Seth Wyman; £ 185 (for all schools). M
Josiah Bartlett, Aaron Putnam, Joseph Hurd, Nathaniel Hawkins, Seth Wyman. 1795 and 1796, the same, with the exception of Mr. Hawkins, who was succeeded by Timothy Tufts. 1797, 1798, 1799, the same, with the exception of Hon. Nathaniel Gorham, who was followed by his son, Nathaniel Gorham, Jr., and Timothy Tufts, who was sucTimothy Tufts, who was succeeded by Samuel Tufts. 1800 and 1801, Seth Wyman, Samuel Tufts, Jonathan Teel, Rev. Jedediah Morse, Benjamin Hurd, Jr., Timothy Walker, Timothy Thompson. 1802, Samuel Tufts, Seth Wyman, Jonathan Teel, Captain Thomas Harris, Matthew Bridge, Deacon David Goodwin, Samuel Payson. 1803 and 1804, the same, with the exception ofn offices, as surveyor of highways and selectman. He died October 3, 1817, aged sixty-nine (Wyman). On the board of trustees he was succeeded for two years by Timothy Tufts, Esq., and the next in succession from their district was Samuel Tufts, 1797-1804, inclusive. For a brief account of these two brothers the reader is referred