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ry it took on regular and stable ways. Ebenezer Turell. In June, 1724, after fasting and praylman, of Boston, the town voted to call Rev. Ebenezer Turell to be their minister, a hundred pounds (old tenor). There are traces of humor in Mr. Turell. He married Miss Jane Colman, daughter of R truth and soberness is commended. During Mr. Turell's ministry, in 1759, the church voted to rea candidate for settlement as colleague to Rev. Mr. Turell, and on April 18, 1774, received an invite call. The salary was eighty pounds during Mr. Turell's life, and ninety pounds afterward. He wauring the long infirmity of the pastor, Rev. Ebenezer Turell. In those days it was customary for thfather was ordained as the colleague of the Rev. Mr. Turell, whose death did not take place until ser and wider career. The portrait of Rev. Ebenezer Turell, from which the frontispiece in this nuassachusetts, and a great-grand-nephew of Rev. Mr. Turell. The loan of the picture was continued t
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., The Royall House loan exhibition. (search)
silver communion plate bequeathed to the Church of Christ in Medford were all the exhibits which referred personally to the ancient owners of the house. A special act of the General Court was necessary before the plate could be accepted by the church in Medford. There were interesting letters from Revolutionary soldiers in camp and in prison, the diary of Deacon Benjamin Willis, a prominent Medford citizen before the Revolution, and a few old love letters, among them one written by Parson Turell. Autograph letters of Samuel Sewall, Thomas Jefferson, Governor Brooks, Dr. Osgood, and other papers of especial interest to students of Medford history, over one hundred in all, made a valuable collection. From far and near visitors came to see the historic edifice, and one and all were charmed with the artistic arrangement of the house and marvelled that such an effect could be produced in such limited time. There were nearly two thousand articles exhibited, but six days sufficed to p
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., The early names of Medford's streets. (search)
from porter's corner S. E. to Wellington Farm Ship St.— from Hotel (west) to where the road leaves the River South St. & from thence over the cannel to Charlestown Line Spring St. from Main St. to Charlestown Line on the Road leading to Lechmere point Court St—from Main St. near Nathan Adams' House to Charlestown Line leading to Harvard College, Cambridge St from Benjm Tufts Corner to Stoneham Line Mountain Street— from Ship St to Salem St leading by the new Burring Ground Cross Street from Turell's Corner to Woburn Line purchase St from High St by Jona Brooks the old road to purchase St Woburn St—from High St near Cannel Bridge by P. C Brooks to Symme's Corner Grove St. John Howe, Chairman. Whether, as a matter offact, the town adopted all these names I do not know. Certainly some of them did not last many years; for only old residents of Medford or students of her history will recognize all the ways now known as High, Salem, Main, Riverside avenue, South, South Winthrop, Med