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7.25 The undersigned, Directors of the Bank of Howardsville, have examined the foregoing statement of the condition of the said Bank, and certify they believe it to be correct. Given under our hands, this 6th day of Oct., 1860. W. A. Turner, President, R. W. Elsom, J. H. Turner, J. C. Childress, Z Ach. R. Lewis. On this 19th day or October, 1860. D. J. Hartsook, Cashier of this Bank of Howardsville, made oath before the subscriber, a Justice for the county of Alondition of the said Bank, and certify they believe it to be correct. Given under our hands, this 6th day of Oct., 1860. W. A. Turner, President, R. W. Elsom, J. H. Turner, J. C. Childress, Z Ach. R. Lewis. On this 19th day or October, 1860. D. J. Hartsook, Cashier of this Bank of Howardsville, made oath before the subscriber, a Justice for the county of Albemarle, that the above statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. A. Turner, J. P.
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource], Fall of a Church Steeple in New Haven. (search)
7.25 The undersigned, Directors of the Bank of Howardsville, have examined the foregoing statement of the condition of the said Bank, and certify they believe it to be correct. Given under our hands, this 6th day of Oct., 1860. W. A. Turner, President, R. W. Elsom, J. H. Turner, J. C. Childress, Z Ach. R. Lewis. On this 19th day or October, 1860. D. J. Hartsook, Cashier of this Bank of Howardsville, made oath before the subscriber, a Justice for the county of Alcondition of the said Bank, and certify they believe it to be correct. Given under our hands, this 6th day of Oct., 1860. W. A. Turner, President, R. W. Elsom, J. H. Turner, J. C. Childress, Z Ach. R. Lewis. On this 19th day or October, 1860. D. J. Hartsook, Cashier of this Bank of Howardsville, made oath before the subscriber, a Justice for the county of Albemarle, that the above statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. A. Turner, J. P.
.59 The undersigned, Directors of the Bank of Howardsville, have examined the annexed statement of the condition of the said Bank, and certify that they believe it to be correct. Given under our hands, this 5th day of January, 1861. W. A. Turner, Pres't, J. C. Childress, J. W. Elson, Rich. L. Wilbourne, R. W. Elson. On this 19th day of January, 1861, D. J. Hartsook, Cashier of the Bank of Howardsville, made oath before the subscriber, a Justice for the county of Albemacondition of the said Bank, and certify that they believe it to be correct. Given under our hands, this 5th day of January, 1861. W. A. Turner, Pres't, J. C. Childress, J. W. Elson, Rich. L. Wilbourne, R. W. Elson. On this 19th day of January, 1861, D. J. Hartsook, Cashier of the Bank of Howardsville, made oath before the subscriber, a Justice for the county of Albemarle, that the above statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. A. Turner, J. P.
The undersigned, Directors of the Bank of Howardsville, have examined the above statement of the condition of the said Bank, and certify that they believe it to be correct. Given under our hands this 14th day of September, 1861. W. A. Turner, President. Z. R. Lewis, R. W. Elsom, Richard L. Wilbourn, J. C. Childress. On this 16th September, 1861, D. J. Hartsook, Cashier of the Bank of Howardsville, made oath before me, a Justice for the county of Albemarle, that the a of the condition of the said Bank, and certify that they believe it to be correct. Given under our hands this 14th day of September, 1861. W. A. Turner, President. Z. R. Lewis, R. W. Elsom, Richard L. Wilbourn, J. C. Childress. On this 16th September, 1861, D. J. Hartsook, Cashier of the Bank of Howardsville, made oath before me, a Justice for the county of Albemarle, that the above statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. A. Turner, J. P.
. District Court--sequestration. An answer was presented yesterday by Nathaniel Carust, to a petition filed by Receiver Giles, on the 28th of September, for the sequestration of personal property consisting of a lot of piano-fortes. Since the 30th of September petitions have been presented for the sequestration of estates held by the following, as former agents or partners enemies. Thos.8. Baldwin and John T. Williams, (former Keen, Baldwin & Williams.) John E Wadsworth and George S. Palmer, , Wadsworth, Turner & Co.) W Yancey and W. W. Harrison. Walker, Thos. P. Harrison, and John Smith. Garrett F. Wagon, firm of Ludlam & Watson. Carnal. E. D. Hitchcoct. (firm of Hitchcock & E. H. Itbodes and Geo. W. Wilson, (firm of Smith Rhodes & Co.) George L. Bayne. Wm. P. Ebbow. (agent for Auguste Belmonte.) Wm. Baither and John Enders. John , Charles W. Parcell, and Parcell. J. Leigh, (firm of C. M. Fry & Co.)
slightly, in left hand. Company C.--Wounded: Private John Pagus, severely, in left shoulder. Company D.--Wounded: Lieut, E. C Rector, slightly, in left knee; Privates John Ballinger, mortally, in left side; Wm A Crawford, slightly in right arm. Company E.--Wounded; Lieut T. A Dodson, slightly, in head. Privates B. M. Hankins, in thigh, mortally; M. M. Brack, slightly, in hand; John Reld, slightly, in right arm; Will Robert, severely, in left arm. Company F.--Wounded: W. A. Turner, slightly in right shoulder. Company G.--Killed; Corp'l L. L. McPerrin.--Wounded; Serg't W. H. Persons, severely in thigh; Private C. H. Jarman, mortally wounded. Company H.--Wounded; Lieut N. Brown slightly in head; Lieut J. T Anthony, right arm broken; Privates McGuire, slightly in this, Wm Clause, slightly in ankle; A Sandlin, slightly in thigh. Company I.--Killed, Corp'l S. B West. Wounded Lieut. F. Huley, severely in left knee Privates G. W Ganus. slightly wounded.