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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Maria S. Turpin or search for Maria S. Turpin in all documents.

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er of religious tracts, entitled "The Last Enemy," in his pocket, which he could not have read to much purpose, or he would have kept an enemy from getting in his mouth to steal away his brains. The Mayor yesterday required him to give security to keep the peace. Edward W. Kelly, the man charged with drawing a pistol upon B. Catogni and demanding his money, was to have been examined yesterday, but the Mayor further continued the case to give him a chance to procure witnesses. Maria S. Turpin charges James H. and Caroline Phillips and Ann Overty, white persons, and Patsy and China, slaves, with assaulting and beating her; but with a view to ascertaining all the facts of such a remarkable case, the Mayor postponed the investigation until to-day. A fine of $5 was imposed upon Edward Walls for keeping his bar-room open on Sunday. James, slave of Francis Price, was convicted of stealing a comfort, a pair of boots and a pair of shoes from J. H. Walker, and sent down for