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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 2, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Maria S. Turpin or search for Maria S. Turpin in all documents.

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Mayor's Court. --The most prominent case brought to the notice of the Mayor yesterday was that of James H. Phillips, Caroline Phillips, and Ann Overby, and two negro women named Patsy and China, arraigned for an assault upon Maria S. Turpin. It illustrated the difficulties and perils which beset a multiplied number of families dwelling together beneath the same roof. The matter in controversy was a door, which Mrs. Turpin was accused of having broken open. The rencontre took place on SMrs. Turpin was accused of having broken open. The rencontre took place on Sunday, and notwithstanding the disparity of numbers, Mrs. T. stood her ground manfully. The Mayor, after a long and patient investigation, held the parties to bail in $150 for their appearance at the Hustings Court. Simon Greenberry, a withered Israelite, who peddles small wares in the First Market, was arrested for making an unprovoked assault upon a lad named Emmit Taylor. The boy told a straightforward story; after which, the Mayor asked Greenberry if he had anything to say. "Yesh," he