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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 4, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Maria S. Turpin or search for Maria S. Turpin in all documents.

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A House Divided against itself. --The readers of this column will call to mind the affair of the Commonwealth against Phillips, investigated by the Mayor a few days since, wherein five members of the family of James H. Phillips were held to ball on the charge of making an assault upon Mrs. Maria S. Turpin, the matron of a family residing beneath the same roof with the "Phillips. " To the great regret of those who love to bask in the soft sunshine of peace, the difficulty has been renewed, and on yesterday John Turpin appeared before the Mayor to answer a charge of threatening to assault and beat James H. Phillips. Mr. Turpin is a member of the Jackson Guard, and has just returned from the toils of a campaign in Western Virginia to find the glory of war observed by the darkness of a domestic tempest. The threat, according to the testimony of Mr. Phillips, was conveyed in language more forcible than refined; that is, he heard a strong and manly voice in Turpin's apartments vowing